Freya Holmér

Generative AI is a Parasitic Cancer Freya Holmér 418,733 2 месяца назад
yapping about my 3D modeling tool, Half-Edge, for 4 hours Freya Holmér 32,463 1 месяц назад
Shader Basics, Blending & Textures • Shaders for Game Devs [Part 1] Freya Holmér 1,789,223 4 года назад
The Continuity of Splines Freya Holmér 1,483,112 2 года назад
I Built a LUXURY Keyboard... (So You Don't Have To) Hipyo Tech 253,220 1 год назад
GlitchCon 2018 Keynote | Freya Holmér Future of Play 18,971 6 лет назад
Flowstorm Art Pass Timelapse Freya Holmér 8,205 6 лет назад
Specular Lighting - A Visual Explanation Freya Holmér 28,365 5 лет назад
Glowy Ring Shader Freya Holmér 41,910 5 лет назад
Why There's 'No' Quintic Formula (proof without Galois theory) not all wrong 560,443 3 года назад
Math Mornings at Yale: Patterns and Fractals in Numbers Yale University 4,255 10 лет назад
The Dot Product - A Visual Explanation Freya Holmér 122,879 5 лет назад
How to rotate a vector Freya Holmér 155,763 3 года назад
The Beauty of Bézier Curves Freya Holmér 2,081,259 3 года назад
Lerp smoothing is broken Freya Holmér 176,921 9 месяцев назад
Procedural Geometry - An Improvised Live Course Freya Holmér 186,142 5 лет назад
Pitch Variance Freya Holmér 10,823 6 лет назад
Why can't you multiply vectors? Freya Holmér 449,599 1 год назад
Aquadynamics Freya Holmér 18,047 6 лет назад
Healthbars, SDFs & Lighting • Shaders for Game Devs [Part 2] Freya Holmér 276,662 4 года назад
Vectors & Dot Product • Math for Game Devs [Part 1] Freya Holmér 907,273 4 года назад
Spaces & Cross Product • Math for Game Devs [Part 2] Freya Holmér 155,187 4 года назад
Intro to Shader Coding in Unity - An Improvised Live Course Freya Holmér 169,590 5 лет назад
Trigonometry • Math for Game Devs [Part 3] Freya Holmér 114,592 4 года назад