Eye Spot

Pinguecula Vs Pterygium (Signs, Symptoms, Treatment) Doctor Eye Health 227,215 3 года назад
MILIUM Eye Candy Dr Pimple Popper Satisfies Patient's Request Dr. Pimple Popper 2,136,300 2 года назад
How To Find Your Eye's Blind Spot #shorts Dr. EyeGuy 263,813 2 года назад
The Missing Spot from Your Vision ️ Dr James Gill 2,149 1 год назад
Eye Floaters - 7 Reasons You See Spots in Your Vision! Doctor Eye Health 320,735 5 лет назад
Scary or is it? #wildlife #moth Koshy Oommen 559 2 дня назад
Spot on the Iris? (Iris Freckle Vs Iris Nevus) #eyecolor Doctor Eye Health 12,748 6 месяцев назад
Woman shares clip of her popping a spot under her eyelid The Independent 216,924 1 год назад
Yellow SPOT On Your Eye? - Pinguecula Explained Dr. EyeGuy 95,016 4 года назад
Puncturing a Small Stye or Cyst along the Eyelid Margin Dr. Geoff Butler 1,731,644 5 лет назад
FATTY DEPOSITS of CHOLESTEROL around EYES | How to get rid of it?-Dr.Rajdeep Mysore|Doctors' Circle Doctors' Circle World's Largest Health Platform 155,448 3 года назад
What Is That Yellow Spot On Your Eye? Pinguecula Explained Dr. EyeGuy 15,919 55 лет назад