Crusoe The Dachshund

Crusoe & Daphne Unbox and Test Out NEW AMAZING FEEDING MACHINE! Crusoe the Dachshund 749,095 3 года назад
Crusoe Dachshund Outsmarts Furbo Dog Camera (Almost) Crusoe the Dachshund 3,839,491 7 лет назад
Ep 8: WIENER DOG PRISON BREAK - Funny Dogs Escaping Jail! Crusoe the Dachshund 56,562,098 6 лет назад
Ep 6. Easter Bunny Wakes Up Grumpy Wiener Dog! Crusoe the Dachshund 9,794,389 5 лет назад
Ep#11: The Dogs Visit MIAMI - Daphne's FIRST TIME in the City! Crusoe the Dachshund 3,279,649 5 лет назад
Ep #6: BATDOG vs. BANE - (Cute Dachshund & Pug in Funny Dog Video) Crusoe the Dachshund 5,150,401 5 лет назад
Ep#9: The Dogs Go to Florida, Find SQUIRRELERS! - Cute Puppy Vlog Crusoe the Dachshund 2,241,629 5 лет назад
Ep 4. The Dogs Get a SNOW DAY!! - Cute Wiener Dogs Get Into Mischief Crusoe the Dachshund 3,450,792 5 лет назад
Ep 4: Crusoe the Dachshund's Date with Paisley! Cute/Funny Dog Date! Crusoe the Dachshund 5,040,390 6 лет назад
Ep#9: OAKLEY HAS A DATE! - (Cute & Funny Dachshund Dogs Dating) Crusoe the Dachshund 8,213,902 3 года назад
MISSION: DATE NIGHT - Funny Wiener Dog Date! Crusoe the Dachshund 2,748,155 3 года назад
Ep 5: The Dogs Go Camping - Cute Dachshunds Camping Trip! Crusoe the Dachshund 5,733,100 6 лет назад
Ep 9. Crusoe Gets Stuck in Mum's Body! - Cute & Funny Dog Video Crusoe the Dachshund 3,360,082 5 лет назад
Ep 2: Crusoe the Dachshund Lifeguard - Funny Dog at the Beach! Crusoe the Dachshund 13,045,683 6 лет назад
Ep#16: Daphne Gets a Haircut! (Finale) - Cute Dachshund Video! Crusoe the Dachshund 5,248,936 4 года назад
Ep. 1: "Jurassic Wiener" - Dachshund Dinosaurs! Crusoe the Dachshund 18,851,286 6 лет назад
Ep #1: Crusoe Gets a SISTER! - (Cute Dachshund Puppy Video!) Crusoe the Dachshund 8,560,039 5 лет назад
Crusoe Unboxing His FAVORITE Dog Toy! Crusoe the Dachshund 388,261 5 лет назад
Ep 10. OAKLEY MAKES A RECIPE - What Could Go Wrong?! Crusoe the Dachshund 6,068,146 5 лет назад
The Bestest FOOD EVER! - Freshen up your dog's diet with The Farmer's Dog Crusoe the Dachshund 220,109 10 месяцев назад
Ep 3. Funny Dachshund Crusoe is the APRIL FOOLS DOG! Crusoe the Dachshund 2,077,563 5 лет назад
We're still here. (Update on Crusoe and Daphne) Crusoe the Dachshund 604,291 11 месяцев назад
Ep 8. Crusoe the Dachshund on Neighborhood Watch Duty Crusoe the Dachshund 1,510,418 5 лет назад
Introducing the DoggoRamps COUCH Ramp for Dogs! Crusoe the Dachshund 420,928 5 лет назад
The Dogs (ATTEMPT) To Order a Pizza - Get Busted by Eufy Pet Camera Crusoe the Dachshund 1,663,975 2 года назад
Ep 10: OAKLEY GOES TO SCHOOL - Cute Dog Video School Day Crusoe the Dachshund 25,711,422 6 лет назад
Wiener Dogs Get Sent to BOOT CAMP! Crusoe the Dachshund 763,168 6 месяцев назад
BarkBox Safari Video Teaser - Starring Crusoe the Dachshund Crusoe the Dachshund 25,916 8 лет назад
Ep#1: QUARANTINE LIFE - Funny Wiener Dogs Staying Home! Crusoe the Dachshund 10,840,350 4 года назад
We Go To... The NETHERLANDS! - (Cute & Funny Wiener Dog Travel Vlog!) Crusoe the Dachshund 1,423,760 1 год назад