Columbia Institute For Ideas And Imagination

Art as Translation with John Phan, Melina León and Pauchi Sasaki l Library Chat Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 106 6 месяцев назад
A conversation between David Scott and Eric Schwartz l Library Chat Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 579 1 год назад
Daniel Levin Becker: Translating Double nationalité l The SNF Rendez-Vous de l'Institut Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 43 55 лет назад
Reid Hall | Literature Live around the World Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 262 3 года назад
Columbia Sounds: Improvisations (December 17, 2018) | Amit Chaudhuri Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 61 5 лет назад
Abécédaire: Amit Chaudhuri, "O for Oh" Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 122 5 лет назад
Amit Chaudhuri (March 5, 2019) | Columbia Sounds Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 966 5 лет назад
Mohamed Elshahed: Rebellious Things l The SNF Rendez-Vous de l'Institut Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 59 7 месяцев назад
Abécédaire: Meredith Levin, "E for Ephemeral" Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 38 5 лет назад
Descolonizando la crisis climática l Juan Pablo Gutierrez in conversation with Mohamed Elshahed Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 36 7 месяцев назад
A Story for Our Elders I Library Chat Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 57 1 месяц назад
Pauchi Sasaki: The Way to the Moon l May 4, 2023 l The SNF Rendez-vous de l'Institut Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 86 1 год назад
John Phan: Vulgar Experiments l March 16, 2023 l The SNF Rendez-Vous de l'Institut Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 285 1 год назад
Abécédaire: Lynnette Widder, "V:V2:f(V2)-1 or V for Virus" Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination 68 2 года назад