Cessna Twoohfive

Cessna Catastrophic Engine Failure Emergency with Video and ATC Audio Cessna Twoohfive 4,905,859 3 года назад
'Deadstick' Cessna 205 Forced Landing Hillsboro Ore Feb 2022 blancolirio 259,754 3 года назад
I found a plane MORE affordable than my Cessna 150 Fly Me to the Fun™ 405,062 9 месяцев назад
Upgrading a Cessna 172 to be Stealth Messier 82 609,126 8 месяцев назад
I Landed My Cessna 150 at St. Barts (#3 Hardest Airport) Fly Me to the Fun™ 765,452 1 год назад
We bought a cheap Cessna 150 sight unseen and flew it home. Sir Drifto 326,320 6 месяцев назад
My Sisters First Flight in a Cessna 172 Graham Peterson 644,795 1 год назад
Why CESSNA 150 Commuter is Excellent - The Best Two Seat Plane? Dwaynes Aviation 229,910 2 года назад
Buying The Cheapest Cessna 210 In The World & Flying It 1,000 Miles Home! JR Aviation 682,313 10 месяцев назад
Cessna 182T flight in bad weather - icing and turbulence! Guido Warnecke 1,259,737 3 года назад
1982 Cessna Turbo 210N For Sale (Flight to Hemet-Ryan Airport) Flying with Rich 99,820 1 год назад
I flew my Cessna 150 to Turks and Caicos! Fly Me to the Fun™ 90,516 1 год назад
Midnight Sky: Cessna 172 Night Flight Adventure with ATC Whorton Aviation 51 16 часов назад
A Very Long Cessna Flight 4viator 188,002 1 месяц назад
Why I like the Cessna 172 Straight Tail TooTall's Vlog 4,303 2 года назад
1977 Cessna 210M Flight to Visalia (For Sale) Flying with Rich 30,671 1 год назад
Landing in high winds and a flipped over Cessna! FlywithKay 514,162 2 года назад
Cessna 182 crash Angus Holland 111,696 2 года назад
I did an international water crossing in my tiny plane! Fly Me to the Fun™ 49,499 8 месяцев назад
I flew my Cessna 150 through the mountains! Fly Me to the Fun™ 46,590 9 месяцев назад