Brenton Meadows Aussie Radio Pickers

Icom Ic706mk2G HF VHF UHF Transceiver. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 14,843 4 года назад
Icom IC706 HF/VHF Transceiver Test Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 13,751 4 года назад
Mega Garage sale, omg, so much stuff needing to go, wish us luck, I think we're going to need it. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 2,079 4 месяца назад
Description of Quick check that happens to every radio prior to shipping. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 240 5 лет назад
EduTECH Sydney 2019 take-aways Texthelp 99 5 лет назад
FT767GX 6m module that went for a swim Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 586 5 лет назад
Wagner C1-258 hf ssb am transceiver Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 504 5 лет назад
THC AUSSIE PICKERS SD Nutth Nipattanasakun 375 11 лет назад
One beautiful 1967 HR Holden looking for a new owner, full nut and bolt restoration nearly finished. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 11,067 7 месяцев назад
Rusted Antique Brades Cement Groove Tool Restoration. AJ Restorations 26,844 3 года назад
President Washington,one for the techs to tune and play with $250 plus post sold as is, no returns. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 791 4 месяца назад
Palomar Skipper 73C, one very rare radio, offers invited, happy to freight worldwide. email me offer Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 545 9 месяцев назад
To the most patient IC706MKIIG buyer, we salute you, its here and working a treat!!! Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 1,519 9 месяцев назад
How to get into Ham Radio on a budget in Australia... Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 1,288 7 месяцев назад
Excalibur fully loaded CB base with Leson TW232 being thrown out cheap as is for $750 plus post Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 737 7 дней назад
A few picker items from the US of A Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 230 5 лет назад
It's a huge mess but a few shelves has got to help in getting a few hundred radios on display Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 1,128 3 года назад
The President Madison, one beautiful radio made to impress and on its way to South Australia, enjoy! Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 657 1 месяц назад
A President and 2 sexy Panthers on a date with Brenton VK3CM in Tangambalanga North East Victoria. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 809 3 года назад
An Aussie Radio Pickers Handheld surprise Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 243 5 лет назад
One for the 6m fanatic, the Yaesu FT650 6m 100w All mode. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 689 5 лет назад
IFR500A, what a beauty, so so clean, followed by some radio pawn, one beautiful TS2000x at the end. Brenton Meadows (Aussie Radio Pickers) 2,940 10 месяцев назад