Bolsonaro Investigation

Jair Bolsonaro investigated for role in Brasilia riots The Sun 4,444 2 года назад
Jair Bolsonaro investigated for role in Brasilia riots Reuters 3,641 2 года назад
Bloomberg Surveillance 03/03/2025 Bloomberg Television 2,972 5 часов назад
Bolsonaro: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) LastWeekTonight 6,194,987 2 года назад
Primeira-ministra italiana diz que divisão no ocidente seria "fatal para todos" Euronews em Português 8,553 10 часов назад
Geography Now! MADAGASCAR Geography Now 1,245,018 6 лет назад
Bolsonaro's Brazil: Murder, God and Carnaval | Foreign Correspondent ABC News In-depth 1,153,767 5 лет назад
Brazil top court to investigate Bolsonaro role in anti-Lula riots Al Jazeera English 7,417 2 года назад
Brazilian judiciary extends investigation against Jair Bolsonaro TeleSUR English 356 2 года назад
Brazil: Supreme Court to investigate Bolsonaro TeleSUR English 282 3 года назад
Brazil 'coup' investigation: Ex-president Bolsonaro defiant at Rio rally Al Jazeera English 3,727 11 месяцев назад