
The First Cool Front Gets them Chewing! (Catch Clean Cook) Bluegabe 121,932 7 дней назад
Nothing Ever Happens as Planned with us! (Catch & Cook) Bluegabe 248,693 10 месяцев назад
Squirrel Catch & Cook (Grilled Squirrel Heart) Bluegabe 458,516 1 год назад
3 days of Hunting, Baseball and Crab Legs(Catch & Cook) Bluegabe 148,026 54 года назад
Giant *Fleas* Catch & Cook (Surprising Results) Bluegabe 139,700 1 месяц назад
The Most Dangerous Place We've Ever Fished! (Catch & Cook) Bluegabe 411,537 2 месяца назад
Trapping Trash Pandas (Raccoons & Crappie Catch and Cook) Bluegabe 198,508 8 месяцев назад