Bdlegend Clash Of Clans

HIDDEN STATS + Full Analysis of the NEW Snake Bracelet Equipment! BDLegend - Clash of Clans 66,764 55 лет назад
The LONG AWAITED Clash of Clans Achievement Guide (In Depth) BDLegend - Clash of Clans 51,208 6 месяцев назад
I Did the Math for The NEW Lab Assistant and It's BROKEN! BDLegend - Clash of Clans 139,202 3 месяца назад
This SLEPT-ON Resource Could 5x Your Progression, and Here's How BDLegend - Clash of Clans 185,144 6 месяцев назад
The GARGANTUAN Power Spike That TH15 Offers... BDLegend - Clash of Clans 53,464 6 месяцев назад
Upgrading Your Heroes is WASTING Your Time (Here's the NEW Meta) BDLegend - Clash of Clans 74,729 1 месяц назад
The FASTEST TH15 Upgrade Guide on YouTube (With Proof) BDLegend - Clash of Clans 89,390 7 месяцев назад
NEW Multi-Gear Tower Defensse - How Good Is It?! (Sneak Peek 1) BDLegend - Clash of Clans 25,567 55 лет назад
The SHOCKING Results of the Math Behind the Apprentice Builder... BDLegend - Clash of Clans 293,894 7 месяцев назад
FASTEST WAY To Get More Builder Elixir and Builder Gold!!! #clashofclans #coc BDLegend - Clash of Clans 678,015 6 месяцев назад
3 Foolproof Ways to Increase Clan War League Medals EVERY MONTH! BDLegend - Clash of Clans 149,805 2 года назад
Should You Spend Gems on the Goblin Builder OR the New Helpers?! BDLegend - Clash of Clans 34,893 1 месяц назад
NEW MULTI-GEAR DEFENSE IN CLASH OF CLANS! #clashofclans #coc #cocupdate BDLegend - Clash of Clans 165,779 55 лет назад
The FASTEST TH14 Upgrade Guide on YouTube (With Proof). BDLegend - Clash of Clans 110,608 7 месяцев назад
BIGGEST THING TO PROGRESS FASTER!!! #clashofclans #coc BDLegend - Clash of Clans 160,568 1 месяц назад
DON'T Waste These 3 Resources (Easy Ways To Avoid This) BDLegend - Clash of Clans 133,165 1 год назад
FASTEST TH14 UPGRADE GUIDE!!! #clashofclans BDLegend - Clash of Clans 552,214 6 месяцев назад
How to MAXIMIZE New Farming Mechanics to 10X Your Loot! BDLegend - Clash of Clans 132,471 5 месяцев назад
Best Ways to Spend CWL Medals!! #clashofclans BDLegend - Clash of Clans 1,026,531 5 месяцев назад
Apprentice Builder vs Goblin Builder #clashofclans #coc BDLegend - Clash of Clans 1,937,494 7 месяцев назад