American Institute Of Philosophical And Cultural Thought

Julian Klar, “Siblings in Spirit? A Comparison of the Political Theories of Arendt & Dewey” American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 1,123 2 года назад
Myron M. Jackson, “Seeing Without Being Seen: A Look at Pragmatic Afro-Logic Behind the Veil” American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 744 5 лет назад
Larry Hickman, "Humanism, the Humanities, and Technoscience," November 21, 2016. American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 245 8 лет назад
Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought - Murphysboro, Illinois robertsresale robertsresale62966eBay 29 8 лет назад
Lawrence Cahoone, "George Herbert Mead and the Three Keys of Human Evolution," November 27, 2017 American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 2,489 7 лет назад
Charles Herrman, “Berdyaev and Whitehead: Personalist Collectivity without Loss of Individuality” American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 204 1 год назад
Lewis Gordon, "Philosophical Biography and Living Thought" American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 1,883 4 года назад
Randall E. Auxier, "The Hard Problem of the Emergent Person" American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 411 1 год назад
Paul Cherlin, "The Metaphysical Grounding of Logical Operations" American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 799 5 лет назад
Alan Mittleman, “Coming to Mind: An Appreciation and Critique.” American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 158 1 год назад
Locke, Liberty, Law: A Live Interview with Christian Murray, with Randall Auxier American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 429 3 года назад
Locke's State of Nature American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 20,872 3 года назад
Margaret Browning, "Born into Feeling: The Development of Subjectivity" American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 301 5 месяцев назад
John Shook, "“Abduction and the Logic of Scientific Creativity” American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 601 5 лет назад
Crispin Sartwell, "Why Philosophy Tried to Commit Suicide in the 20th Century (and Why It Failed)" American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 960 4 года назад
Eli O. Kramer, University of Wrocław, “The Creative Virtues of Philosophy of Culture” American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 169 3 года назад
Myron M. Jackson, "The Athletic Renaissance: Atlas, Gaia, and Hercules," November 26, 2018 American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 316 6 лет назад
Culture, Thought and Humanity – thinking for a change FilozoficznyWroclaw 133 1 год назад
Erin McKenna, "Facing the Future: Human’s Embodied Continuity with the Rest of Nature" American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 214 1 год назад
Robert Neville, Boston University, "Culture and Philosophy" American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought 484 3 года назад