Advanced Geekery

Fast, cheap, and good: The budget 3D printer that could Advanced Geekery 5,914 1 год назад
I Hammered the Creality K1 Max for a Year. Here’s the Verdict! Advanced Geekery 3,909 1 месяц назад
Epic Dalek multicolor 3D print: 38 hours in the making Advanced Geekery 2,205 55 лет назад
Advanced geekery Louise Vincent 21 2 года назад
Anycubic Kobra S1 unpacked: It looks a LOT like the Bambu X1 Carbon Advanced Geekery 10,119 1 месяц назад
These genius scrapwood storage tricks will transform your workshop Advanced Geekery 11,351 1 месяц назад
This $19 upgrade will change how you use your 3D printer! Advanced Geekery 761 55 лет назад
Created a secure space for top-secret work-at-home projects Advanced Geekery 2,006 4 года назад