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Author: dearts, Portfolio:
Last Update: 4 August 16
Created: 4 August 16
After Effects Version: CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Files Included: After Effects Project Files
Length: 1:15
Resolution: 1080x1920
File Size: 62MB
Media Placeholders: 70
Text Placeholders: 17
Category: (video-displays)
Description: Flat Media Gallery simple and amazing controllable project for making your own media slideshow .You can use videos instead of images. Very simple and well organize fully controllable project. You can easily change all the elements in this project. eg: colors, light leaks, text color, ect.. in just one simple click. Changing text, drop your media, audio and hit render. You don t need any Advance knowledge of After Effects in order to use this project. Even if you never worked with the After Effects you can watch the video tutorial and complete the job. Perfect For: opener ....
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