Appropriate supply and control of daylight in buildings can lead to improvements in occupant comfort, productivity, and energy savings. Projects using the B3 Guidelines are required to design for and document that daylight is provided in regularly occupied spaces, based on various daylighting metrics and functional illuminance targets.
This 1 hour session will include an update on the B3 daylighting requirements and thresholds, provide an overview of metrics available for use by B3 projects, and outline how to document compliance and prepare submission materials. Current work by the B3 Guidelines Team on the process of revising compliance targets will be discussed. These targets are being evaluated and revised in order to accommodate the diverse range of buildings that use the B3 Guidelines—including those following the Small Buildings pathway—and to reflect updated available tools and research. Software tools to perform analysis and generate results will be highlighted, and a case study of a recent B3 project will be presented.