Gary Owen on Cheating on His Ex Wife, Paying Alimony for 10 Years (Part 11)

Gary Owen on Cheating on His Ex Wife, Paying Alimony for 10 Years (Part 11)


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@jefeking2117 - 17.05.2024 12:17

Vlad said congratulations on the divorce that’s crazy

@BigDic-qz8su - 17.05.2024 12:39

How about men stop cheating when you married and have a family.. she supported him when he broke she going win

@Inewman - 17.05.2024 13:03

Marriage advice is better from someone successful at it, or an expert.

@yachtboy2718 - 17.05.2024 13:29

He’s a man hoe out with these women trainer woman friend a women His wife was correct

@traya27 - 17.05.2024 13:43

Naw, even if you don’t make 7 figures, get a prenup. Protect the little bit you have, especially if you are the bread winner.

@tonyasmith1917 - 17.05.2024 13:46

I understand Gary didn't have a pre-nup because they were young when they got married and started life from scratch. But I know if he gets married again, he's going to have one in STONE!😅

@RSHjr - 17.05.2024 13:55

Wtf could your kids possibly need to ask for 44k a month?! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤬

@zaytiggygetbusy - 17.05.2024 14:20

Just two white guys talking and both happens to love black ppl way too much!

@immaog34 - 17.05.2024 15:06

Personal trainer aka my side piece lol

@MindMadnessGuns - 17.05.2024 15:44

To all married men, if you hang around women in any capacity just be mindful of them taking pictures in your presence. They live for attention so it will end up on social media. Gary is essentially more famous than Claudia and the trainer so them using him for platonic companionship for dinner or whatever probably wasn't an issue with Gary but it created a bigger issue during his divorce!

@AlourEver - 17.05.2024 15:51

Vlad so messy, congratulations. Claudia hooked Gary up with her friend while Gary was still married. So stop lying Gary you were cheating with the trainer and Claudia set it up.

@AlourEver - 17.05.2024 15:53

Homewrecker Claudia and ALOT of her friends are as well. I.E Sabrina in Atlanta.

@MarcusMcClendon-s7h - 17.05.2024 15:55

You cheated 😂

@AprilCampbell - 17.05.2024 16:14

He was broke when they met.

@Kaous10 - 17.05.2024 16:19

"Get a prenup" - Vlad. Problem with that Vlad, is if it doesn't have a reasonable sunset clause on it, which pretty much every judge considers 10 years, then it will just get thrown out. Prenups don't do shit for long term marriages like Gary's.

@waallaacce - 17.05.2024 16:31

My wife makes more, should she make me sign one? 😂

@waallaacce - 17.05.2024 16:33

40% of all marriages end in divorce, but the thing is it counts all the people who's 2nd 3rd 4th marriages ended in divorce. Lot of people fucking up the %

@jmorgan5822 - 17.05.2024 16:44

Vlad loves to speak on other ppl relationships, but hides his under a rock

@spb8039 - 17.05.2024 16:58

He called her and told her he wanted a divorce. What a pos. 20 years of marriage, and all she got was a phone call. Shit,k sit her down and tell her face to face. No wonder she went nuclear on him! Asshole.

@monicaturner02 - 17.05.2024 17:11

When you truly love someone, taking care of you ex and kids financially shouldn’t be a problem if things don’t work out ❤

@jessiepage7111 - 17.05.2024 17:27

My prenup was the second best investment I’ve ever made next to my vasectomy lol, now I have more money than ever, fk a wife 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@noodlesvr95615 - 17.05.2024 18:10

Grownups don’t matter. All the woman has to say is that you threatened to not marry her if she didn’t sign it and she signed it under duress and the judge will just throw it out.

@bla0208 - 17.05.2024 18:56

That seatbelt analogy was terrible. Vlad you can wear your seatbelt it's ok.

@keyshia6909 - 17.05.2024 19:31

I can’t wait for this full interview to come out!

@scottynails - 17.05.2024 20:52

I worked on this dudes house in Ohio. He was cool as hell. And his ex was hot!

@DoloMane - 17.05.2024 21:07

A million dollars and that’s it

@GodMode369 - 17.05.2024 22:04

I know who it is

@MAJ44 - 17.05.2024 22:07

Dont get married.

Ответить - 17.05.2024 22:42

If she aint Christian than marriage is out the question

@JasperStones90 - 17.05.2024 23:34

5.3 Mills sheesh

@nelliebnice - 18.05.2024 01:21

More like a postnup 😊

@sarahace5108 - 18.05.2024 08:02

Aw maaaaann😭 I loved his interview with Shannon!! So I was excited to see him on Vlad!
But, Uhm, is he lit??? (where I'm from, & w/my age, we've only ever used that term when someone is FOR SURE high off some dope lol not just to say "it was fun we had a good time" lol nah, if you LIT UP, then you is ON ONE)😂 Lol

The man can't stop fucking fidgeting or looking at the camera awkwardly lol and he's OVERLY talking with his hands...and is he a little too red even for a white guy lol and a tad bit too oily lol

I might know all the signs 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️😭😂

@babycrillz - 18.05.2024 18:13

I’m still curious why he initiated the divorce and how dumb bias never ask? Vladimir is horrible interviewer now

@Lorenzo_Wyche_Restaurants - 18.05.2024 18:50

No upside to getting married for the man..

@rubyjaez - 19.05.2024 13:35

It bothers me how proud and happy he is that he consistently cheated on his wife. If you're married you should not be meeting up with other women/men or buying them anything. Men need to realize it's so easy for us to cheat. We get approached by temptation every day. Gary admitted to cheating on his wife numerous times then shocked that she was suspicious of him. This is why his children don't mess with him. They’ve seen & heard more than he realizes.

@AnakNi_Mina - 20.05.2024 19:11

Im confused though, why a prenup? he was a chump when she got with him.

@kayw5562 - 21.05.2024 13:14

Not Claudia but that

@styleguy1295 - 22.05.2024 15:04

There’s also something called a post nuptial.

@slotmachineconquerors - 22.05.2024 19:18

Why prenup get married and then work out money situations while you married other then that just date

@trinigrl09 - 23.05.2024 00:30

I agree get a prenup if one or both parties have money but he didn't have anything close to what he has now when they first got together....they were together for 18 years........why get a prenup when u don't have much? Sad how he cheats on her repeatedly and then talks about her like she is a gold-digger......It's no wonder his children don't speak to him.....How many ways can Gary humiliate his ex.....cheat on her then use your betrayals as a money grab by talking about them in your routines in the most unapologetic way......He did get off easy in the divorce 18 year marriage but he only paid alimony for 10 of them.....she should have kept the lawyers and let them waste his money out of spite....

@eddibetty10 - 23.05.2024 03:52

B*tches are stupid 44k a month 😂

Get a job hoe

@RussellMills1877 - 23.05.2024 08:57

It's sad that people think of marriage as a death trap or just a money grab which it usual leads to most of the time but this man cheated on his wife and what surprised that he got divorced which sounds weird to me. And on a side note I have a you tube channel type in Russell Mills May 22, 2017 to find me.

@DianeLong-ky8hp - 28.05.2024 06:30

Hes an ahole but he was broke when he got married but hopefully his ex wife took him to the cleaners for all his cheating smh

@YungMollyTV - 28.05.2024 18:48

The smartest thing is to not get married

@mattsheezy5469 - 30.05.2024 14:29

Imagine being in a relationship / marriage where you know you’re guaranteed a million dollars if you leave the person.

@robinthee7391 - 31.05.2024 12:26

Who's says congratulations, terrible.

@BENYJOSE1 - 24.06.2024 13:44

Bro, your whole act was about your wife and bi-racial kids. And you cheated a lot.

She absolutely deserved to break off a piece when you left her.

@kevinroberts8441 - 11.08.2024 08:25

60% end in divorce and women are the initiators prenuptial or no marriage

@aaronp9928 - 06.01.2025 19:37

No child support, and she was asking for 45 thousand a month, the children are grown up. I understand 50/50 to an extent but her wanting 45k a month for only her is crazy. Basically this woman never need to work ever again.

@shema02 - 02.02.2025 20:14

The delusion in these comments is crazy !!
thinking you're getting a catch of a man and believing you'll have him all to yourself !😂
