GOD And MEDITATION | Hugh Jackman

GOD And MEDITATION | Hugh Jackman

My Evolving Wisdom

3 года назад

140 Просмотров

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@crazyleaf257 - 26.10.2022 00:46

I like what he says almost halfway through💚

@crazyleaf257 - 26.10.2022 00:48

Sears the greatest disease of modern times. Yep yep.. the Bible says Don't Be afraid

@crazyleaf257 - 26.10.2022 00:48

Why does this not have more likes and comments??

@crazyleaf257 - 26.10.2022 00:54

I love that there's almost no need for the interviewer to ask any questions

@levimarr - 27.10.2022 18:43

Transcendental Meditation is what Hugh is talking about. David Lynch has a great video where he explains what Transcendental Meditation is and how it can benefit anyone that tries it. Check it out.

@Daili88 - 03.11.2022 01:48

Hugh Jackman is a true gem of a human being

@madalayne - 04.12.2022 11:53

What is the song / sounds at the end of this video called?

@saffron1977 - 06.12.2022 15:57

There's some spiritual calmness on his voice, in his voice.

@milansingh4835 - 25.12.2022 20:55


@ceeemm1901 - 02.03.2023 11:01

What movie set?

@tonylawson8116 - 28.03.2023 21:07

I pray that you find your way back to Jesus as your lord and savior, and that he died for your sins!

@allstarboxing4138 - 26.06.2023 10:24

Jesus Christ is lord I pray that Hugh sees that in Jesus name

@thenondualisticmystic - 18.11.2023 05:58

Many thanks to the camera man

@TheWayIsPeace - 30.12.2023 15:08

I come back to this video for inspiration and wisdom. It’s fascinating to strip back the pretensions of Hollywood and celebrity, and see this man is a true seeker, a guardian of the one true light. It is a narrow path indeed, and such a blessing to discover those rare souls on this lonely journey.

@BlackDesertSnake - 17.05.2024 06:09

demonic speech

@BlackDesertSnake - 17.05.2024 06:10

hes not affiliated with the good lord, like most of hollywood hes part of the other club

@LiveFree-20 - 28.05.2024 08:29

He's obviously a very confused man.

@andrewroyston1800 - 28.07.2024 22:01

Anyone after Deadpool and Wolverine 😊

@aaronscholl - 01.08.2024 20:26

Christianity is not a “white guy” thing… Jesus was a Jew during his embodiment on earth. Many countries believe in Christ, the Ethiopian bible is older than the King James. Keep searching, and you WILL find God. He’s not you, or me, or a feeling. God is truth, and life, and he is waiting for you to receive him into your heart.

@creativecatproductions - 05.08.2024 20:10

Hugh Jackman is Owen Wilson’s character from Zoolander but if he were a real person.

@heisenbergw4786 - 08.08.2024 20:09

This is beautiful. I didin't realize that Hugh Jackman is a spiritual person. Amazing, i hope he has a beautiful life and any one reading this comment. Just breath and releax, may peace envelope your entire being!

@marekkucak6581 - 09.08.2024 07:24

Its difficult to find deeper interview with this guy other than late night shows.

@siddi124 - 20.08.2024 09:41

"Organized religion has no place for seeking". So true. Just look at Christians getting mad in comments.

@lounsburyhomeschool1205 - 20.09.2024 18:31

Meditation is the ultimate self worship and his explanation is perfect. When you feel like you’re close to God he disappears just like that. It’s because meditation is the endless searching, never finding. Jesus visited me when I was 18 and showed himself to me. I was being attacked by demons in bed and the darkness was consuming me after a three day meth binge. I gave up and just said “I can’t do this anymore” and he surrounded me in his love/presence. I didn’t have to seek him, he showed mercy on me and it was the most incredible experience of ultimate love/light. He showed me “everything is going to be okay”. I have heard other people have had similar experiences but it’s not common. From there my life was completely changed. Through the ups and downs in the past 22 years he has always shown himself to me and miracle after miracle has come into my life. Jesus is the way to the father, the Holy Spirit is real and comforts and guides us day by day, we don’t have to meditate to seek Him.

@M.DianeThetford - 21.09.2024 22:24

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. God bless Billy Graham. For getting a hold of Hughes dad.

@M.DianeThetford - 21.09.2024 22:34

God is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end.

@VinsmokeSanji-on4us - 25.09.2024 14:25

such a great man he is

@laurenszz - 27.09.2024 09:28

omg i agree with him 100%!!
i didn't expect other people from so far away to share a similar mindset to the philosophy my aunt taught me, that's very refreshing to know! i guess i chose the right man to be my favorite actor 🥰

@ArtbyAP - 29.09.2024 01:31

I so wish and pray that I could talk to this man and just have an extensive conversation about how much of a disservice his church from childhood has done to him and hasn’t provided the answers to the doubts that he had in his teens about Jesus and his word. I feel sad and sorry for him. He has all the wealth in the world, but not enough wisdom to see the truth. Before I came to faith two years ago, this guy was such an inspiration for me. I loved and emulated Wolverine. But now seeing how evil and distorted hollywood is, I feel sad and devastated for people like him who are under its deception.

I pray that Jesus can truly touch Jackman’s heart and help him see that he is the way, the truth and the life.

I wish nothing but peace and wisdom for him. In Jesus’ glorious, might and precious name. Amen.

@jen.gilder - 30.09.2024 03:57

What a man . Wolverine is everything ❤❤❤❤

@MissYavanna - 01.10.2024 01:13

He is unique. Impossible not to love him.

@whodaheck - 03.10.2024 06:41

What a guy ❤

@NishStorm - 07.10.2024 04:29

He's my favorite thing God created... he makes me believe in miracles 💛

@NishStorm - 07.10.2024 04:37

What an incredible human being

@1-800-CHRISSY - 07.10.2024 10:42

God I could listen to him talk all day

@High-Viscosity-fluid. - 08.10.2024 00:20

OK, so I love him as a actor I know him from actually from the fountain from before Wolverine.But now I think we have to protect them as a national heritage site we do.

@carloslozada470 - 14.10.2024 20:33

Once you make big money you think you know everything

@TekLor - 18.10.2024 21:36

Me da lastima que sea tan burro y crea en esas cosas. Dioses, religiones, etc... almas,... Que Burro y decepcionante.
Edit: tiene que estar mintiendo en todo, no tiene sentido ya lo que dice. Creo que se esta burlando de todos. No puede tener tanto mareo mental.

@zO707x - 19.10.2024 16:40

Why are so many ppl in these comments so close minded

@doctorwho5012 - 20.10.2024 23:38

wow i love how real this conversation is, you can really hear in his voice how genuine he is, this was therapeutic to listen to!!

@laimastaneviciute4303 - 07.11.2024 10:17

Wow! I had no idea that he might be so deep and spiritual person! Amazing!

@crystaldance5731 - 03.12.2024 22:06

God surely gave Hugh a wonderful vehicle to express his truth thanks for sharing Hugh ❤️❤️❤️👍🏻🙏

@ammasophia4663 - 16.01.2025 00:15

God is changing and changeless, impossible for us to grasp.

@Awaken218 - 21.01.2025 18:44

I’ve watched this so many times over the years. I haven’t found a better explanation of my beliefs than this. And what a cute messenger to deliver it.

@Meditative_Sai - 25.02.2025 10:24

Did they make this full documentary with other actors? Does anyone know a link to that?

@himeshsinghshishodiya - 25.02.2025 17:04

Seems like all truly spiritual guys have read Bhagavad Geeta 😂❤

@Ann-d7z7m - 03.03.2025 09:11

I love this. When you meditate I believe that is your time to be with God
