Believe in Yourself | Moral Stories For Kids | Kids Story | English Moral Stories With Ted And Zoe

Believe in Yourself | Moral Stories For Kids | Kids Story | English Moral Stories With Ted And Zoe

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@lonisha2906 - 16.07.2021 20:43

Right!!! Who tf asked me lmao …. I’ve stepped into my power 🥰

@kharizmatikone1481 - 19.07.2021 17:28

Yes I have seen the bruce lee documentary. They said he was so strong that one of his punches had the strength of a moving truck. Or something along those lines. Any kind of artist could learn a thing or two from him. One of the greatest

@gabbielancashire - 13.09.2021 09:47

All facts thank you

@abundantlyme3025 - 30.09.2021 00:34

I LOVE your energy and your videos !!

I need a reading from YOU !!

How do I go about doing this ?

@primetime_21_ - 27.10.2021 09:07

Love your voice & singing, you were definitely on to sumn’ with those songs 🎵🎶

@answerthecall265 - 27.11.2021 17:51

Makes sense.
Happy Saturn🪐day .

@jazziekoi3146 - 07.04.2022 04:36

I resonate with this message. I have Chiron Virgo ♍️ came to gain knowledge !! I was singing Stacy’s mom a week earlier like 👍 been in my head

@Luvmeesh - 30.07.2022 22:32

Gratitude 💗🫶🏽✨🤍

@Loveneverleftthebuilding - 05.12.2022 19:53

Great video. I have Chiron Virgo first house!

@RossoRover36 - 16.11.2023 21:04

Great video. You might remember I got Venus in Virgo but I also got chiron in Virgo .... So it's interesting... Yes, self care, daily schedule, body is a temple, homeopathic remedy, work but don't over work yourself, mind body connection, and I think Virgo has like a underdog energy, always trying to come up or something... So don't let anybody push you around .. yeah
