Merry Christmas Doc
ОтветитьMultiple actors: Hobby drones, commercial drones (fixed wing/multi prop), aircraft, UAP, UFO, NHI. The big divide everyone dances around is Human/Non-Human Consciousness, since "intelligence" is too limiting. Sim, you are the perfect person to hear analysis from. Like me, you've studied for decades, you've engaged with CE5 level manifestation, and are a degreed, and highly trained observer. If you step into cold fusion fine, but I do not see a divide between CF and NHC/UFO/UAP in the larger picture. As Greenyer says, "It's all the same thing". But your point is well taken, and ought to provoke thought, as does your ready grasp of the history of LENR. Your "Many Hours/With Sound --Theory" does point to Advanced Human Tech, which we need to come to grips with. No one has addressed the drones vis a vis LENR. Kudos! Getting ahead of the roll out of this technology remains my agenda 2025. Thanks for your leading-edge position on it. Peace Cheers Onward
ОтветитьI only clicked to express my disbelief that anyone would suggest such lunacy. Sure, if cold fusion becomes a reality, its first use is this? Crackpot.
ОтветитьI live Mystic Island saw 2 over the Great Bay . 😮😊
ОтветитьBeautiful pondering Sweets
Ответить5 observables started with Lue in AATIP
Ответитьok, maybe cold fusion, and some agency or company is showing it, but why so long, and why over populated areas?
ОтветитьI would love to know your opinion on what is coming out about the drones and the UFO connection.
The first is from the farsight RV ET Board meeting, are they for real or just playing off the hype? I guess we might know for sure if there are bigger 'drones' in the next month, but I'm skeptical of their methods and practices but do not know enough, basically I don't know what I don't know. Any information would be incredibly helpful.
That brings me to the next talk about the drones that comes to some equity larger then life conclusions. I would again love your analysis of because with your background you can make a better educated guess them most anyone can. Especially what Birdie Jaworski RV(you can see the three RV sessions she released on the subject just on her channel) due to your background I'd be interested to see what you thought.
Title is What’s happening with the “Drones” in our skies? By Live Humanity Rising Special: Day 1049 (you can find it on Richard Dolan's Channel)
Here's the list of people talking about their takes on the drones:
Steve Bassett, Founder, Paradigm Research Group, co-Founder, Hollywood Disclosure Alliance
Chris Bledsoe, Experiencer, author, UFOs and God
Georg Boch, ET Studies Course Facilitator, Ubiquity University
Richard Dolan, UFO historian, author, UFOs and the National Security State
Richard Hoffman, Executive Director, Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
Ron James, Director of Media, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
Birdie Jaworski, Remote Viewer, Founder, Albuquerque UFOs Network
Daniel Sheehan, President and General Counsel, New Paradigm Institute
Robert Searing, Director New Jersey MUFON
Kevin Wright, Press Officer, New Paradigm Institute
Thank you for all your work, its very appreciated!
It’s not the drones it’s what’s near them. I saw big drones flying around in a repeating pattern. Must have been six moving in a square course. Further away was a very bright light just staying there in one spot. Didn’t move once. I left out of boredom but they stayed.
ОтветитьAnother fascinating video as always I always learn things from these. But I really have a hard time following the logic of why anyone with a new breakthrough technology would fly them for weeks over the most populated area on Earth. I feel like it more closely resembles UAP events around nukes that have been happening for 60 years. We have to remember that seven bases had the same activity before New Jersey hard to believe that's not connected. Great video always looking forward to the next
Ответитьin the book by radu cinimar, false name, called transylvania sunrise, pub by peter moon, montauk project journalist, sky books, radu, romanian secret intel btw, said that the americans did have tech that could be used in concert with batteries that can extent the power a device could have and metioned it was indeed a cold fusion device providing the source that would then charge batteries to power equipment. maybe they solved this battery drain problem idk. transylvania sunrise was about the discovery of an alien library under the buceji mtn complex in romania and subsequent usa dod involvement in exploring accessing the library. romania holds alot of secrets like that and the usa is involved heavily there. anyway farsight institute says they are ets trying to force disclousure to prison break the earth pop out of this control sys we are in. veronica jane of ramteinregln channel here remote viewed a private group that is based in nj running the drones indeed in concert with gov showing off a flying surveilance cell network essentially prob ai controlled. so we may have quite a confluence of all three things, private, et, and mill....not all communicating with eachother directly anyway.,...
Ответитьmi versión es que los drones, SI ACASO ATACARAN, seria un ataque de falsa bandera, los drones son USA, drones tecnologicamente muy avanzados, pero manejados por el gobierno en la sombra de EEUU. es sabido que hay cuestiones que algunos presidentes ni jefes de seguridad son informados, si este segundo, o primer gobierno decide que tal presidente no es de fiar.
los drones son una distracción o encubrimiento para tapár avistamientos UAPS, aunque muchos de estos OVNIS son de USA, ya que tienen en sus manos tecnologia alienigena desarollada durante 70 años, eso si, a la sombra de la opinion pública y del primer gobierno de los EEUU.
el encubrimiento se debe a distintas causas:
-1- siguen con creencia de pensar que el pueblo no entendería vida en otros planetas, religion, rebelion...
-2- tener que admitir que su queridisimo y sublime gobierno les ha estado engañando durante 70 años, probabilidad de que haya responsabilidades en altos cargos del gobierno en la sombra
-3- reconocer que hay energias muy poderosas, y encima a muy bajo coste, derrumbe del actual sistema energetico, donde las empresas más poderosas de la tierra estarían en serios aprietos, como las del petroleo, gas, carbon....
-4- y la más jodidamente terrorifica, que se les estropea el plan de dominacíon mundial a algunos de los controladores de esta supertecnologia, plan que consiste en engañar a la población de una invasion-amenaza aliens, donde seria necesario para convatirlos la aplicación de una ley marcial. el poderio militar de este gobierno en la sombra es muy poderoso, y ademas cuentan con naves y tecnologia que facilmente derrotarian al ejercito convencional y conocido, LES PASARIAN POR ENCIMA
HAY BASTANTES AUTORES de la crónica por mi descrita, para mi los que mejor lo explican son LAZAR, ELIZONDO Y EL DOCTOR STEVEN GREER.
suerte mundo
POSDATA lo de la ojiva nuclear es otra distracción y la organización golpista es internacional
Fascinating that with all these decades of handheld cameras, and now in all phones...UAFs are still too grainy to call.
ОтветитьSo so so many carry high powered plash lights. Never have I seen people light one such drone up the easy way.
Ответить6 or 7 hours and no-one grabs a flashlight?
These drone shows allow one drone to take the place of the other. No need for one single drone to be up there non-stop.
Anti-EM weapons are nice, but Faraday cage cloth is well available on the market. How effective are these weapons on actual drone that don't rely on non-stop direction from an operator?
In case these are projected light (which is a thing now), an EM weapon is like a knife trying to slice ambient air.
If pure light event light 3D projection lasers, the high acceleration would indeed be possible, but by no means the norm.
ОтветитьSlow moving RC planes could fly for hours and hours. I'm not easily convinced there were UAPs that moved too slowly (air speed not ground speed) to be conventional life generating static wings.
If we see a typical drone, in daylight, close quarters, that flies for hours, we need to see how the power is provided. There IS INDEED wireless power transmission, but it's still limited. A silent (doesn't matter as long as sound is sent UP) diesel electric like system might keep a quadcopter in the air for a long time. In a steady wind, a simple RC plane with clever down pointing lights will seem to "hover" when really it has significant air speed.
I follow LENR quite a bit but having seen any work to the level of being a drone's power source. The possibilities are endless but no-one's shown anything yet.
Be aware that LENR at this stage is very uncontrolled and researchers are dying of cancer. "Spooky radiation" might be at plat. Rogue particles being deposited, perhaps transmutating organic matter into an organic, and toxic metals at that.
Merry Christmas from your neighbor in Utah!
ОтветитьThe drones are a smokescreen to cover up n explain away the actual UFOs.
ОтветитьWe saw this a coupe years ago. The Chinese spy balloon was used to smokescreen for the UFOs they couldn’t identify they “shot down” in alaska and Canada.
Ответитьthis was the other remote viewer chan "Veronica Jayne: The Mystery Drones / Plasmoids / Orbs" on rammsteinregeln chan
ОтветитьThank you, you have a gift for explaining complex physics topics to non-academics. I googled Aharonov–Bohm Effect, the Hutchinson experiment, LENR, as you mentioned them but it seems impossible to find clear explanations for the layman. Please keep these videos coming!