This is Why You Want To Do A Dopamine Fast...

This is Why You Want To Do A Dopamine Fast...

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@drabbasusman4030 - 20.02.2023 15:16


@shanewootler1593 - 20.02.2023 15:27

Going through a dopamine fast since my nofap relapse around 3 days ago (35 days streak). Gotta say love your work, keep it up!

@lukazaridze - 20.02.2023 15:29

Hey Bob, I wanted to ask, what would happen if you will reduce dopamine driven activities that are bad for us slowly, for example, if you use porn 30 min a day and will reduce 1 min every week, technically in around 7 months you will be to 0min, so will it eliminate or drastically reduce withdrawals or it’s just waste of time?

@Danny-dt1pe - 20.02.2023 15:30

Hi Bob, day 73 for me and thinks are starting to look a little brighter. Still not at 100% but I am starting feel a little happier and more content now. As always thanks for the video and have a great day.

@drabbasusman4030 - 20.02.2023 15:30

Plx if I foreplay with my girlfriend which lead me to release is it destroy my nofap journey ????

@fastrack2170 - 20.02.2023 15:33

Just embrace meditation... But all the time! Whether your standing, sitting, moving or going to sleep, just meditate. This practice makes a dopamine fast very easy.

You're welcome

@lazytoad5060 - 20.02.2023 16:39

Your look remind me Travis in taxi driver movie 😃

@noname3609 - 20.02.2023 17:58

Ur awesome Bob! 🙏

@Europe449 - 20.02.2023 18:34

I am already 3 yr no fap but still not Abel to heel . My brain gets buzz when I look at any women face to talk them .is it bcz it's activate thr same pmo pathways

@tomiboy3978 - 20.02.2023 20:54

Hi Bob is ok to play online games while i doing dopamine fast

@WillWinterz - 20.02.2023 21:52

Just finished reading YBOP by Gary Wilson. Such an amazing resource I recommend all of you to check out. Scandinavian bob references it a lot for a good reason. Pray for everyone’s recovery ❤️💪🏼

@alexdarosio - 21.02.2023 03:23

I’m almost 5 months in my recovery and have to say it’s been a very difficult journey so far
I experienced a lot of withdrawals (especially psychological ones) that made me think I was getting crazy
anyway, for the last 2 weeks more or less, I started feeling better, hoping I was out of the woods or near my final step of the journey thereabouts (I was not thinking about tragic scenarios or hopeless thoughts, just living my present moment, but not that sense of “enthusiasm” everybody talks about when they are fully healed). In the last two days I started thinkin about sad things and scenarios almost like I was in the first part of my journey, just when I thought I was almost fully healed, sadness and hopeless thoughts arised again in my mind, my question is: How do I know if I’m fully recovered/healed or I’m just in a “calm” phase before the next storm of withdrawals come? (I don’t know if it can depend on that but I found myself looking at (not indulgin that much) a photo that popped up on social media and that aroused me but soon stopped looking after some minutes and didn’t come back to that later) but the point is, how do I know if I’m near the end or it’s just the quiet before the storm? Thx Bob

@markterzano8962 - 21.02.2023 03:55

Bob your videos have been great to me, thank you! I also can´t believe you don´t have millions of subscribers. For the past two years, No Fap, No PMO with all this I have become better at many things, having many projects going on at once to keep me busy. I am more stoic also, I also found out I am a sigma male too. I just broke up with my girlfriend of almost 9 years about 14 days ago and I am not looking back.

@Lil_lit_Bruh - 21.02.2023 08:47

Im currently on day 3 after i lost my 330+ days streak ive had a huge relapse and finally after trying several times i got it all under control again this time i expect myself to go 1 year with breaking the streak

@ayush885 - 21.02.2023 22:08

One thing I realised after being on nofap for 29 days:
I'm not craving masturbation, I'm actually craving porn. Every few days, it comes to my mind to watch a certain category of porn, the category changes after a few days, but the desire of watching porn is much more than fapping.

Guys, I don't know if fapping is bad for our health, but it is definite that addiction of porn is harmful.

@latinas_vip - 22.02.2023 08:06

Thanks Bob

@glynrowson - 23.02.2023 12:47

love your videos thank you. can you please do a video on how you got out of pelvic pain there's so many men have it and a lot is cause be flapping and porn please don't one thank you so much

@Louis-tv4vh - 23.02.2023 22:14

I Thank you a lot for all your creation. Thanks !

@calvinbarnes8652 - 25.02.2023 02:11

Hi Bob why am I so forgetful

@cliffchampion5501 - 26.02.2023 05:35

Can you do a video on no fap in sexless marriages?

@skghosh6904 - 26.02.2023 15:31

I failed over and over. Today again i relapsed. It is now more than 2 years i am trying to get rid off it but failed. Even could not reach 40 days.

@martindaniel1201 - 27.02.2023 19:33

Is your book about anxiety still available? And if yes where can I find it?

@AMFDANGER - 28.02.2023 17:40

3year semen retention and 1 year semen retention.... The benefits are same for them? Eqaul benefits for them???

@MEA453 - 28.02.2023 20:49

It s ok to study on a dopamine fasting, not on some device but from books?

@midshipsport - 01.03.2023 10:08

HI, Top Bob how are you. I have done 3 - 150+ streaks and many 30+ streaks since June 2020. I relapsed in Dec '22 and have been drinking and junking also ever since. I have been struggling like a novice. Nevertheless, It's been a 16-day running streak now but I am struggling to focus on my business. Any hacks, please cause as I said I feel like a beginner? Thank you.

@midshipsport - 02.03.2023 07:10

Hi again. Good morning Bob. Could you make another video and elaborate on this if it's not a problem? Thank you.

@herimen3153 - 03.03.2023 06:10

Hey Bob , I'm an old viewer of the channel. Glad to see you're still making videos. Your videos made me solidify the importance of dopamine in life. Best of luck

@stefanradovanovic7861 - 04.03.2023 20:20

without masturbation for 33 days, without orgasm for 16 days, I feel heightened emotions, I experience stressful situations more stronger then before, is it a flatline ? Also, I’m on dopamine detox about 10 days

@redthund536 - 05.03.2023 20:38

I love you bro

@redthund536 - 06.03.2023 01:27

Bro u look buff as hell, don’t beat me up for this comment please, ill do 50 push ups

@midshipsport - 07.03.2023 15:23

What about listening to music on Spotify before sleeping?

@vertix681 - 08.03.2023 10:34

Hey Bob, first I want to thank you for the amazing content, especially about the dopamine and NoFap, because it helps me optimize my reboot.
I have a question. Should I avoid caffeine on NoFap? I struggle a lot with discipline and procrastination, I have most of the low dopamine symptoms. Coffee helps me, because it boosts my dopamine receptors, from what I've heard. And it helps me a lot to get things done, and especially helps me with working out and pushing my limits. However, it boosts my testosterone and urges quite a lot. I drink before 3 PM to not mess up my sleep. I feel "normal" when I drink caffeine, but it maybe holds me back because it causes me more relapses. Should I avoid it in the first weeks on NoFap and can I avoid relapses with more meditation?

@midshipsport - 20.03.2023 09:36

Hi Bob/guys.. I have been doing the fast pretty successfully. But can I at least have a coffee or an espresso a little after breakfast while i am working? Only coffee... Not everyday. Maybe thrice a week. At around 10:30 AM .. that's all. I just need something... Because my system is asking for a reward.

@sanketvaria9734 - 06.04.2023 18:24

every unhealthy activity is pleasurable, every healthy activity is the painful one. Philosophical question: Are we born to only to have pain forever?

@OrbitalHUB - 08.04.2023 06:07

I'd tell the plate of French fries to get peeled...carnivores are like that ;)

@h7hq - 24.07.2023 21:48

is peeking bad ?
