MS^2 | Season 1 - Ep 1 | Introductions

MS^2 | Season 1 - Ep 1 | Introductions

Kai Sosceles

11 лет назад

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@kagymym - 02.03.2013 21:23

I'll have to try out that fatigued dancing trick for muscle memory.

@jorinnmilsap2353 - 04.03.2013 05:43

dont make these monthy...... you should pop out like at least 2 a month... your words help... and talking doesnt hurt, right...

@jorinnmilsap2353 - 04.03.2013 05:49

houdoken.... please make an hour video... and just talk bout shit, i wanna learn

@jorinnmilsap2353 - 11.03.2013 21:16

YO MAKE MIME MAKE SENSE.... that would be trippy, kai can you go over waist iso or what ever figure 8 hooplah you were talking about.... and cloud which of your 9 names is gonna lead me to a video of you? and phedhex... do you draw? i feel like you have the mind that should leak on a peice paper poppin out some shit

@makespacemakesense - 15.03.2013 22:00

We are now doing them every 2 weeks. 1st and 15th of every month, they'll be up on this page. The new one is out today! :-D

@jorinnmilsap2353 - 16.03.2013 05:15

to mrs.random letter^.. i worked out the other day and king tutted with dumbbells... shit got real... word up kai.. and kai your kinda cool

@AlbertHwang - 12.06.2013 21:32

Ha, I'm inclined to agree...

@StarStreamFlowArtist - 18.02.2022 19:34

So glad yall recorded this
