How I closed $27,153 in the DMs last week
Without jumping on a single sales call.
There are two way I generate leads
1) Inbounds through my funnel
2) Outbound/Intent based DM's
Let's cover both so you can use them.
1) Inbounds through my funnel
My profile's a high converting landing page
→ With a single call to action that
→ Takes you to my 11 minute VSL
→ Suggesting you book in a time.
If you click "Interested? Chat With Matt?"
→ It takes you to a form to enter deets
→ And then take you to Calendly link
→ With sh*t tons of availability.
Locking in a WhatsApp chat with me.
That's how I get 46% of my leads.
2) Outbound/Intent based DM's
I create content that resonates with my ICP
Then people will either
→ View my profile
→ Send me a connection
→ Engage with my content
I message all of these people saying
"Hey NAME - thanks for {insert what they did}. Did you see my last post about {insert what it was about}. What do you think about it? Also I saw on your profile {insert a compliment}."
You will get an 80% acceptance rate here.
After they respond I will say
"Awesome and ye that makes sense. People tell me that all the time. Are you potentially looking for some help with this?"
If they say yes
"Mind if I ask a couple of quick questions to make sure I can help?"
If they say ok I then ask them 2 probing pain point questions.
Once they answer them I then say
"Ok I think I can help you. Are you free tomorrow at 10am to chat on WhatsApp where we can chat how I might be able to help?"
That's how I get the other 54% of my leads.
All this without
→ Engaging for 2 hrs a day
→ Spending 6 mths on content
→ Spending 4 hrs on a carousel
Because this is my philosophy
→ And why my clients WIN.
Content ≠ $
Content = Trust
Trust = Easier Chats
Chats = The Big Bucks!
So if you want to implement a system
That my client who has 1,792 followers used to book 5 meetings and texted me while I was writing this post that he closed an $18,000 deal in his first week running my DM process
Lock in a chat here -