What A Goal! (Ball Hockey HD Video - Justin Matai) Ball Hockey Skills Tricks Mar, 2012

What A Goal! (Ball Hockey HD Video - Justin Matai) Ball Hockey Skills Tricks Mar, 2012

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Diamondbacks vs. nWo (March, 2012) - Arenex Ball Hockey League

What A Goal! The amazing goal scored by the remarkable Justin Matai, one of the leaders of nWo and Wolfpac! Justin's a very talented and smart player with great vision whose speed and body control make him one of the most elusive players in the game. He's one of the best all-around players and he also won the "Top General Manager Award" many times in the Northwest Ball Hockey league! His teammates rely on and admire his work ethic, hustle, teamwork and dedication, he's one of the excellent ball hockey players in Canada! =)

More Ball Hockey Goals And Street Hockey Goals At:


Ball Hockey Fights And Ball Hockey Brawls:






Ball Hockey And Street Goaltending Skills:


More Ball Hockey And Street Hockey Videos (High Definition) at:





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Thanks for watching the videos! =)


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