Controlling Adventure Motorcycle Standing Up | Off Road Riding Tip

Controlling Adventure Motorcycle Standing Up | Off Road Riding Tip

SoCal Off-Road School

1 год назад

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@effuseakay - 26.02.2023 10:35

Great great great video my friend. I just panicked and let my feet off the pegs, fell and hurt myself for absolutely no reason. Simply looking ahead, holding pace steady and keeping strong grip with the bike would have saved me two days of pain... Listen to those three commandments guys! And wear good protective gear. It literally saved my ankle.

@AMPS3008 - 01.03.2023 17:34

Awesome tios, Can you pleasesuggest some tips for short riders

@bubunbikers - 03.03.2023 06:03

Valuable tips sir, forward vision is the most important. I once fell due to panic .
On black ice surface I often spread my legs off the pegs on up and down gradient. Apply mild steady throttle input in up and engine brake in down . It worked. Actually on black ice the wheels wobble a lot.
Kindly advise how to control bike confidentiality on black ice surface 🙏

@briangc1972 - 10.03.2023 19:01

I would only add that when approaching and first entering sand, add a little throttle to lighten the front tire. Here in Az, we ride sand on almost every off road ride. We have a saying that there is no problem on the trail that a little extra throttle can't fix. - when in doubt, gas it..... This is especially true in sand. Keep the front tire on top of the sand by standing on the pegs, pulling up and back on the handlebars, and keep adding throttle as needed. In deeper sand and longer washes, we move our butt back like a downhill racer and let the front tire ride like a ski, using our body weight to guide and turn the bike while keeping on the throttle.

@etiennelouw9244 - 27.03.2023 16:16

Thank you, I have not even done gravel roads yet, but I am planning to do so. This is valuable to me. Watched this twice.

@gladegoodrich2297 - 04.04.2023 09:38

Tried to climb a rocky trail up a hill
on my KLR. Been up that hill many times on my KX 450. Found out why they are called ADVENTURE BIKES.🤣

@PeterBaumgart1a - 08.05.2023 06:00

How does an expert rider get an inappropriately heavy adventure bike across difficult terrain? Everyone could do it on a little hopper. But how do you transfer the skills to a heavy bike, and which ones? (Some probably not transferable?)

@tinozampano - 11.05.2023 13:21

So true 😂

@228ANDY - 14.05.2023 06:13

Thank you!!

@BobBeck-zl8rb - 17.05.2023 01:41

At high speed going into whoops we would brake while still using the throttle, it can help with side to side swapping..not good semper fi

@lizdg3892 - 24.05.2023 02:41

Great tutorial.

@frooke2 - 24.05.2023 06:02

Mistake #4... Stopping and parking your bike in the middle of the trail. Always move off to the side to take a break or make a video.

@divebobber - 28.05.2023 10:22

Thanks for the tips. I'm 6'7" with most of my height coming from long legs. When I straighten my legs like you do in the example, I'm way above the bars so have to lean way over and have my hips back. So I end up crouched like you said not to do. I have 3 inch bar risers and lowered pegs, which help, but not enough.

@vijayam1 - 01.06.2023 20:10

Just love you man! Never miss a second of your video!

@gitaranipalshyam9172 - 12.06.2023 08:09

Bro which bike are you riding?

@StanForAdventure - 30.06.2023 20:51

Great piece of content, very informative......S.F.A.

@imds123 - 03.07.2023 00:27

#1 mistake is riding a 400-500lb bike off road!

@key_itis - 03.07.2023 22:31

any exercise videos? 🙃

@blacksheep6888 - 04.07.2023 11:05

First mistake is buying an adventure bike.

@maynardcapellan1969 - 18.07.2023 12:32

Traveling in High Speed while you are not Familiar with the Terrain? That is MESSTAKE!

@virendradr - 24.07.2023 08:55

Thank you sir for an excellent informations about our positions when riding in difficult terrains well said leant a lot

@DileoFilms - 04.08.2023 04:39

I have road racing experience on my R3. But Zero dirt experience. I'm 28 and now I want to travel the world on an adventure bike. Should I be worried about the fact that my first ever dirt experience will be on a 400-550 lb. pig? I wan to buy a bike that can do it all and travel the world. But I don't know if I'm setting myself up for failure by starting on such a heavy bike.

@RantzBizGroup - 08.08.2023 01:35

Now, take us through a heavy bike on terrible single track with right turns, seriously, on top of that on a DRZ with stock gearing.

@nicolaonnamela241 - 14.08.2023 21:44

Thank you for your valuable advice. On my tenere 700 I have difficulty tightening on the right side for the presence of the crankcase that is very hot how can I solve

@phineas7785 - 19.08.2023 00:06

1. They bought a bike
2 they bought a bike
3 they bought a bike.

Noobs what else to say. Lol.

@tankerd1847 - 22.08.2023 21:23

I'm a newbie dual sport rider and I'm glad I've been seeing and telling myself to avoid some of this stuff on my own, so I really appreciate the confirmation. I've definitely found taking my feet off the pegs is rarely useful and dumping the throttle, especially in first, is often more harmful than helpful. It seems very important to choose the right line, stay loose on the bike and to know when too little speed is detrimental. I've been out on solo rides 3 times now and I've recorded each one and it's really cool seeing my progress from crawling around terrified to being much more confident and aware of my limits.

@gorrdd - 24.08.2023 08:53

Excellent... thanks for the great instruction.


@alessandrotorrescampos522 - 24.08.2023 23:14

Amazing tips. Thanks so much for sharing. Alessandro 🇧🇷.

@seasea5938 - 09.09.2023 14:58


@micwell2247 - 22.09.2023 23:40

can't figure out what your selling

@logmeistercy3801 - 14.10.2023 02:32


@nirvanaindica001 - 27.10.2023 05:37

Thanks for this knowledge sir, it works so well.
Love from india.

@davewatson1727 - 18.12.2023 02:38

Thanks for the video! What are you running for tires? And any feedback on them?

@Larry21924 - 04.01.2024 02:31

This content is a marvel; similar to a book that was a marvel in its own right. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Author Name

@Offroad-unofficial - 16.01.2024 17:34

great stuff , what crash bars do you have on that bike ?

@backcountry4life - 24.01.2024 05:49

Your explanations are the best! Ive been an ADV rider for a year now and I’ve become a much better rider thanks to your videos!

@baldandbiking - 07.02.2024 06:04

Maybe I have extra long legs, but I have to bend my knees a lot just to be able to reach the handlebars while standing. I'm going to try some risers to see if it helps.

@FelixMueller83 - 12.02.2024 06:25

tried my new bike in sand....made all three of them :-), thank you

@2631Fred - 09.03.2024 09:20

New to off road. I am 63, always road from back in the day, RD350 2 stroke, RZ500, 2stroke, Honda 550, Honda 750, Kawi Z900, Yami 900 XJ, Kawi 1300, Kawi Z1000, Yami, R1. Always sport bikes. Now at 63, I am loosing my mind and decided off road is the right thing to do. Going senile. Part of my bucket list. Triumph 900 Rally pro. LIFE IS A JOURNEY, ENJOY THE RIDE. Thx mate.

@PlagueXKill3R - 14.03.2024 10:47


@allenr265 - 27.03.2024 06:09

If you need to sift or change hears quickly how are you able to do that if youy on the balls of your feet? Yhanks mate😊👍

@ScottBowman - 31.03.2024 00:17

Hi I test rode a crf300rallly and tried standing up… my immediate concern was I felt I lost all contact with the controls other than the throttle… the levers were at an awkward angle to reach and standing on pegs with balls of my feet meant I lost ability to use rear brake or gear selector… what’s the fix/trick to this?

@tenbear5 - 19.04.2024 23:40

The biggest mistake is falling for the marketing bs & going large. Large ‘adventure’ bikes don’t make for great off-road machines. Then there’s this persistence of pushing high tech into every facet of their operation which can only spell disaster for anyone seriously considering going off the beaten track when a sensor or two starts malfunctioning (which they will). No thanks.

@eagledrummer23 - 03.05.2024 22:56

Like most riding, the general concepts still apply... smooth inputs, trust your bike, and don't PANIC

@johndavis2399 - 10.05.2024 12:01

Excellent instructions!

@sankalpkatara6346 - 14.06.2024 21:53

on offroad should our weight be more towards the front wheel or back wheel?

@viliamgula8383 - 03.12.2024 12:56

Dano nemohol by si hovoriť po slovensky, nerozumiem tí ani slovo.

@jimmin9802 - 12.01.2025 20:55

Thanks for the info, new to adv riding and the tips are good.

@mustafakorkut9897 - 07.02.2025 17:39

thank you so much for this video
