Ayurvedic Approach to Moon Cycle Awareness:
How to Stop Hating Your Period
With Reenee Khanna, Clinical Herbalist
In this video, I share how the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Chakras will transform the way you see your moon cycle and help you stop PMS and painful periods forever.
For more videos on how to stop painful periods and PMS forever:
About Me:
My name is Reenee Khanna, I’m a clinical herbalist and purveyor of ancient wisdom and medicine.
Over the last five years, I’ve been using this knowledge to help women around the world battle PMS and painful periods. Not only that, these women have been able to transform their lives to feel energized and vibrant throughout their cycle.
Personally, I went from experiencing exhaustion, mood swings, swelling, and cramps, to not only having no symptoms but feeling full of energy all month long.
This wisdom has been a game-changer for me and the women I work with.
It’s so near and dear to my heart that I made the decision to leave my corporate career to pursue the mission of spreading this knowledge to women around the world through my online program: How to Stop Painful Periods Forever… In 90 Days or Less.
If you are ready for smooth easy periods, download the Painless Periods Blueprint.
This course is for you if you are ready to:
Balance your mood, feel the way you want to feel, and love your life
Eat and move for your body type in each phase of your cycle to end painful periods and pms
Nourish your body exactly the way it needs so you feel energized and vital no matter what time of month it is
Painful periods, erratic mood swings, and PMS are not normal. They are a sign that your body is not getting what it needs.
When you know how to give your body what it needs in each phase of your cycle, these symptoms will dissolve so quickly it will blow your mind.
When you nourish yourself according to your hormonal changes, you feel balanced and your body thrives.
Your periods become less painful, you feel good overall, and your health and vitality increase
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