Marilyn Manson: Documentaries, Defamation, and Deceit? | A Deep Dive

Marilyn Manson: Documentaries, Defamation, and Deceit? | A Deep Dive

Evie Lupine

2 года назад

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@pokerdiva680 - 04.02.2021 16:46

The corset, stockings, makeup and bra would have been a warning flag that he would be, at minimum, a problem boyfriend.

@internetuser7332 - 04.02.2021 17:36

WES BORLAND sounds like a Simp.

@SlapMyBass3825 - 04.02.2021 17:41

Wes left to join Limp Bizkit, John 5 left to join Rob Zombie. Both made good decisions to leave, but Wes should not have gone to Limp.

@DuayneSanford - 04.02.2021 19:13

Isn’t that the guitarist Marilyn kicked on stage & nearly got into a fight with him?

@callofthewintermoon - 04.02.2021 20:48

Take away his music and whatever his financial worth is -- would you let your sister or daughter live with this guy ?

@bharath0804 - 04.02.2021 20:54

Thank god

@antoniodeleon8976 - 04.02.2021 22:07

I never care much for Marilyn Manson to begin with you don't believe in God it is what it is it's not even that he's not that good of a artist he's a freak of nature and I blame him for the Columbine High School shooting back in April 1999 him and Nine Inch Nails

@jeffthompson3379 - 04.02.2021 23:17

So he was there at the party and saw these things happen... yet he did nothing and now has the gall to say Manson is a terrible person? He's no better.

P.S. Why is it always guilty until proven innocent these days? I don't condone any of the alleged actions, but I also won't be the judge, jury, and executioner without all of the information.

@bobbyamdro7987 - 05.02.2021 00:24

Sugar ray, sum 41, good Charlotte, hoobastank, static X.

And a few other bands were all part of it.

@Skrimpish - 05.02.2021 02:18

Long time limp biscuits guitarist...


@wixenmike - 05.02.2021 02:53

John Five can speaks about MM abuses. JF had problem with MM many times.

@palehorse1111 - 05.02.2021 05:09

I was there and did nothing. Okay...........

@ChelseaH1 - 05.02.2021 09:04

I appreciate him defending Evan and the other victims.

@anonomous2221 - 05.02.2021 10:06

It's funny because Marilyn Manson said Limp Bizkit sucks.

@psiklops71 - 05.02.2021 11:44

what was her Attraction to this broken Man
his past bring broken the drugs i don't get

@NiteJerk - 05.02.2021 12:27

I love the music

@HalfDeadGeezers - 05.02.2021 20:23

Argue all you want. The man has no job, no money for drugs, no future. He won't make it in the bar circuit. The most he can hope for is a job at Dollar General and an efficiency apartment.

@lauramilagros5472 - 05.02.2021 22:32

2/5/21 Just shows & proves that the Women's Equal Rights Movement that begun in the awesome, revolutionary & counter-culture 60s to about 1975 has never been taken seriously. 🤬 It shows that the DOUBLE STANDARD is disgustingly more alive & well than ever & has infected Western culture faster than a Stage IV cancer. It proves ppl have little to no parenting skills & shitty ones at that, & are too lazy to or refuse to teach their sons how to think about, how to view & how to treat girls & women. It shows that these same crappy parents from sea to shining sea have also neglected to teach their daughters to develope a healthy self-esteem without conceit & arrogance & to "NEVER TAKE NO SHIT FROM NO MAN." Since the 80s, dudes learn about chicks from their idiot dumbf*ck buddies in locker rooms & since 2000 - net porn, & naïve girls learn about guys from their fantasies. The schools, grades K to 12 & colleges, are equally culpable - offering ZERO mandatory, non-credit seminars on gender equality, how to treat ALL ppl with dignity & respect & what is needed for heathy human relationships. I don't need to discuss the massive number of unreported and/or unpunished rapes on almost every US college campus. And ..I won't even go into the failed & IMO irreparable US judicial system that forces women to either NEVER report abuse or rape or forces them, out of fear & shame, to wait months or even decades before finding the strength to report abuse and/or rape (i.e., see the Bill Cosby case, among dozens of others😠). Me - jjaded, cynical & pissed off? U bet! What can be done to change this mess for the better & for future generations? Apparently, not a goddamn thing. Enjoy your world, Millennials ....

@Andf-kc4xx - 05.02.2021 23:05

He kicked out twiggy for the same reason he is getting called out now, oh man how sad to see all these people I grew up seeing on TV get exposed as horribly people and phonies. What a retarded fucking world, no one is genuine no one gives a fuck to be decent. Blows my mind...

@gothicmoonchild3629 - 05.02.2021 23:55

Evan said he abused her so bad she was emaciated, could barely walk and severely depressed....sorry not buying it one bit

@lisalegato0109 - 06.02.2021 02:19

Imagine being the one who edited this.

@jonlate4581 - 06.02.2021 05:08

Former guitarist for 2 seconds. Manson is probably guilty of this shit....

@jonlate4581 - 06.02.2021 05:14

I will always listen to what i like. ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR , HOLYWOOD.,

@justinchappe - 06.02.2021 09:40

So why only now. That is the key question.

@deathbybears - 06.02.2021 10:15

I'm pretty sure I was groomed to sign up for a loan, can someone look into that for me?

@mycreations4527 - 06.02.2021 18:02

How do you know this is not a rumour?

I don’t trust tax that much I only really trust video interviews I don’t trust this shit

@ant1724 - 06.02.2021 18:59

if both men and women says he is guilty of abuse then yeah he is pretty screwed. We still need more information coming from the horses mouth.

@alpacaodoom - 06.02.2021 21:55

Sounds like yet another person who doesn't like manson in the first place saying it's correct to bring him down.

@jonrose6019 - 06.02.2021 23:33

Borland said he left because he wasn't allowed to contribute and Reznor never understood why Manson was bigger than he was. I agree that Evan was young at the time. Where we're her parents? Class act Dita simply commented that sh would not have married him if he treated her that way.🤷‍♂️

@ohnoana26 - 07.02.2021 02:28

Wow, I thought that MM fans knew about pain, not trusting authorities, or even disappointment of does you admire. If his music is important to you that's great but invalidating someone else because your a fan is not a good argument. If you don't think there is enough information for you to make a conclusion, then don't do it.

@jonlate4581 - 07.02.2021 19:03

His behavior is deplorable and all these fools who are just now speaking out are just as much to blame, if not more so.

@gearsfan6669 - 08.02.2021 20:35

seriously, I'm amazed people are just now piecing together that Manson is an abusive prick, I could have told you that just from the way he treats his band members

@ThunderboltWisdom - 09.02.2021 02:14

This still doesn't explain why MM's music sucked.

@Nothing-qq4hd - 10.02.2021 05:58

If it looks like a giant probably is.

@astroman30 - 10.02.2021 19:31

He did it all for the nookie.

@ijustchangedmyname7794 - 19.02.2021 22:30

Why the fuck is up with the blackface

@alexanderwagner4587 - 20.02.2021 21:18

It's funny, back in the 90s nobody actually believed that Manson removed his lower ribs so he could felate himself or that he beat puppies to death onstage, but yet they automatically believe hearsay allegations from ex girlfriends. If he is guilty of some kind of abuse than he should be tried and convicted, but he should not be judged in the court of public opinion, that's just a witch hunt! Let me reiterate, allegations are not convictions!

@aegisreflector1239 - 22.05.2021 15:44

Mm is a pos and the sky is blue

@mr1zog - 13.11.2022 07:29

😂.... 🤣..... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤘....

@henrydycha9379 - 24.04.2023 00:32

Ruined her acting career

@Leslee_Lane - 02.02.2024 05:34

Wes was just a tour member. The amount of a** kissing this man does…

@oh.....5075 - 09.05.2024 18:18

I mean, come on, it is Marilyn Manson. Rather, you love his music or not, he's been a narcissistic werido his whole career. This doesn't surprise me at all..

@sleepy_timezzzcapo3576 - 22.08.2024 18:18

What's that sayingggg? Birds of a feather 🪶 flock together.

@Jimi-Vision-sv1xl - 26.09.2024 07:11

oh shit, my folks were right about MM

@ericdollarhyde3296 - 05.10.2024 11:16

Ypu cant groom a legal adult lmao

@andrewpocowatchit2449 - 11.11.2024 23:20

Look and listen to Manson and you shouldn't be surprised lol he's not venting pain in songs lol he's basking in the darkness and loving it.

@GusMortis - 22.02.2025 08:17

Who walks into Marilyn Manson's inner circle and doesn't expect to come out damaged for life?
