Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved | Esther Perel | TED

Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved | Esther Perel | TED


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@Blick_Art - 27.06.2011 21:10

@turbonetttt In case you cannot find this product in Bulgaria, keep in mind that Blick Art Materials ships internationally. For information, please contact us at blickinternational @ dickblick . com.

@Lachri - 12.01.2015 04:25

I think I need this! Having mats cut professionally is getting expensive.

@DorothyYamamoto - 12.01.2015 08:52

Can you cut a mat with just a 1-inch border? I have the Compact Classic and noticed the hinge prevents measuring a 2" or less inch border. Otherwise, these mat cutters do a great job. I'm tempted to move up to the Elite.

@Blick_Art - 21.01.2015 18:57

+Dorothy Yamamoto All Logan Mat Cutters will cut a boarder as thin as ¾”.  You should be able to set the mat guide to accommodate this dimension.  If you need assistance, please feel free to contact our Product Information Department at 800-933-2542. 

@jacobnewman7939 - 08.05.2015 06:41

Can it cut 5mm foamboard?
