Does inheritance count as income? | Inheritance Tax, Estate Income Tax, Inherited IRA

Does inheritance count as income? | Inheritance Tax, Estate Income Tax, Inherited IRA

A Wiser Retirement®

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@pammettee4975 - 27.06.2023 22:21

Does anyone KNOW HOW Taxing/Taxes- vary based on the relationship between the decedent & the person who Inherited The Money , A House, A Bank Account or ? — ie. Son or Daughter VS. A Favorite Cousin or Friend? When does the relationships Distance Matter? Also is it where the Survivor lives at the time they inherit things? MAYBE In a No Tax State like AZ - “No Tax means NO STATE TAX- No matter what! ANYONE-Please answer if you know !

@lstephensudhop3500 - 19.12.2023 16:15

What if the stepped up basis takes your inheritance above your life time exemption?

@briceking669 - 21.07.2024 14:42

What about inherited rental properties (not the primary residence), does that follow the same step up?

@The1998Deck - 08.10.2024 22:28

I benefit from all of these tax laws...and i'm absolutely going to take advantage of them. But i'm still disgusted. This is corrupt.

@RealMTBAddict - 17.11.2024 16:06

Not with Trump. With any Democrats it would be.


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@Keep_it_Rizzle - 24.02.2025 14:59

Money you received after they die YOU MUST PAY TAXES ON THAT MONEY. Q040-X forn. Or take it out before you receive the money
