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Scotland’s past is full of odd tales of second sight and ghostly apparitions, it has long been said that the sprits of the dead would return to seek the living, to impart secretive information or to take there revenge from beyond the grave. The superstitions and beliefs surrounding death and the return of the dead have always had a strong foothold in Scottish culture and history. Today I will share some tales based on this old superstition.
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Intro Music: Written for me by Bobbin
Briggs, K. (1978) The Vanishing People Fairy Lore and Legends. Pantheon Books. New York.
Campbell, J.G. (1900) Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. James MacLehose and Sons. Glasgow.
Campbell, J.G. (1902) Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland. Glasgow. James MacLehose and Sons
Eyre-Todd, G. (1923) The Highland Clans of Scotland Their History and Traditions. Volume 1, D. Appleton and Company, New York.
Macgregor, A. (1937) Highland Superstitions. Stirling, Eneas Mackay, 43 Murry Place. London Gibbings and Company, Limited.
Westwood, J. and Kingshill, S. (2009) The Lore of Scotland A Guide to Scottish Legends. Random House Publishing. Falkirk.
#Folklore #Scotland #scottish #Apperitions #dead #ghost #spirit #specter #shade #isles #tiree #coll #lachlan_mor #maclean #fisher_man #folktales #return_of_the_dead #living_dead