12 Ways to Tell Your Dog You Love Him

12 Ways to Tell Your Dog You Love Him

Dogs 101 ❤️ I want a dog!

3 года назад

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@Thebiggest7303 - 10.06.2023 21:54

Please my dog gets jealous when i hug and kiss my husband

@noneofurbusiness5223 - 13.06.2023 16:57

I got my mother's dog, she loved to cuddle. When I was crying, she backed off. I think because my mother had dementia.

@noneofurbusiness5223 - 13.06.2023 17:36

Mu chuauau wanted me to protect her!

@bonitajoymojica - 15.06.2023 15:20

🖤 dogs! 😭

@sallymagaret6209 - 17.06.2023 08:37

My dog nows when I'm leaving very clever she follows me everywhere she don't want to be alone in the house i can see but wants to protect her to be safe dogs are amazing friend ❤

@LS-id5hc - 21.06.2023 11:28

Only 17. My dogs are employed by the FBI.

@staceycolarusso1805 - 22.06.2023 04:11

I got my three month old French bulldog and I've been watching your videos now for 6 weeks I can't get over the animated dog he cracks me up😂😂😂❤❤

@Angel28jo13 - 23.06.2023 12:59

my baby was able to hear my dad's bike and our cars from two blocks away and he would start barking until we were right in front of the yard. even months after i lost him i could hear his barking while parking my car outside our house.

@meekappletini1702 - 23.06.2023 14:44

I love dogs!!!

@evadale1500 - 30.06.2023 18:24


@Kimhumble - 09.07.2023 20:06

Dogs and cats are amazing

@Sethzenjion - 13.07.2023 01:06

"dog's can smell time" is a fast i was not ready for

@davidstephens189 - 29.07.2023 14:35

As a dog lover and dog owner... There is literally nothing you told is in this video I did not already know.

@nonyabiness4023 - 02.08.2023 07:40

I just beat cancer and my dog wouldn’t leave my side. But when I got home from surgery, he jumped on my bed but was careful not to bump me or jump on me. My baby! He made sure I was okay❤️🐾

@SanctifiedLady - 14.08.2023 07:10

My dogs are so funny, they know my work uniform they go in there crate and my workout clothes and they want to go for a walk and if I get my suitcase and set out plenty water and food they know I will be gone a few days. I have 3 Dogue de Bordeaux

@Jacobeeez - 21.08.2023 19:07

Remind me to watch this

@painisvergina3693 - 23.08.2023 18:40

Dogs deserve our lifespan and we deserve theirs

@Saphira3441 - 01.09.2023 10:06

ill belive the "senseng your fear" i cant walk my dog before work anymore becuse its so dark and i get scared and she picks up on it, and becomes more alert and ready to protect me, but her doing that makes me more scared and then she gets more protective and it keeps circling.

@coolcatgaming2692 - 27.09.2023 00:55


@MikeD-ne6ie - 26.10.2023 17:48

“Evolution’s way of manipulating your feelings!” Lol evolution figured this out! Thank you Lord for creating our dogs!

@peterweller8583 - 19.11.2023 02:05


@deformiertergolfball4847 - 10.12.2023 19:32

literally nothin in here fits onto my dog lmao.
she does not know my intentions, she will just get up everytime i get up
she does not know my schedule and sometimes will greet me if she hears me open the door and often doesnt even notice when i enter the door.
she cant read my body language and everything is just an invitation for a cuddle. just moving my chair or stretching my self, sometimes even breathing is enough that she will come up and do those puppy eyes.

she is just built different. was locked away for 6 years, had barley any contact to humans and if she had contact, she had to share with 3 other dogs. currently she is enjoying her life. probably the nicest dog i met in my life but still yet the strangest one.

@Arandomtherian-md4wt - 11.12.2023 10:49

We don't deserve dogs. We don't deserve something who will love us, even if we hit them, ignore them, mistreat them, hurt them.

@Donna-w5s - 21.12.2023 22:52

My jack Russell knows when i am getting sick before me mine helps with migraines, ptsd and hearing for me! My fur baby is my joy and a pure blessing

@AxelReta-z6n - 01.01.2024 21:53

I love dogs they’re probably my favorite animal what I like them about their puppy eyes and if they die, then we get to see them again so quickly!

@AxelReta-z6n - 01.01.2024 21:56

Not an ad

@AxelReta-z6n - 01.01.2024 21:57

Oh that’s why that explains why my dog Bella and my dog Marley bar got the fence every day😂

@LovingMistakes - 16.01.2024 00:53

I love this channel ❤

@KateChrist-yp5xf - 05.02.2024 09:38


@ItsYourMajesty - 17.03.2024 19:02

My dog Lily looks sad all the time

@kevinmcgarrey7125 - 22.04.2024 07:18

The picture of the “university of Portsmouth “ in the “Puppy Dog Eyes” section is actually “Old Main” at the “Pennsylvania State University”

@robertafierro5592 - 28.04.2024 13:30

My dog has always been smarter than me.

@garygules2549 - 10.05.2024 14:01

I swear, I can smell someone who takes a lot of medication.

@JuicesContinent - 03.06.2024 09:24

My dog doesn’t really do much when I’m sad but he lets me snuggle him

@adammb9204 - 10.07.2024 13:10

Thsts not true my dogs always love me and don't care thst my dog was picky and didn't eat everything and did not mind me petting another dog , for If u live yr dog will love u if u love it , for love is the answer and if u give equal time , thry will be great, so live and spread it for this is whst needed and desire?

@bethmendoza6965 - 27.07.2024 06:27

I knew dogs are very very very intelligent

@GayleenFroese - 07.08.2024 23:59

My dogs get excited when I charge my camera batteries (since I take most of my photos in parks or at the lake) and when I wear pants/shorts that aren't jeans (since I usually only wear capris or shorts if I'm going kayaking.)

@GayleenFroese - 08.08.2024 00:01

My first shepherd cross was counter surfing in the kitchen and I was watching him from the other room using a mirror. I told him to get off the counter. He looked around to see whether I could see him, decided that I was just guessing (he didn't know I had a mirror) and carried on counter surfing because he figured I couldn't actually see him.

@CharlieTheMad256 - 11.08.2024 00:30

The only person my dog has ever growled at is my aunt - my black sheep aunt (she is a black sheep for very, very good reasons)

@laurielenig9939 - 12.08.2024 18:55

We have an Airedale who really is so smart and human like it scares me. His latest is riding shotgun in his Dad's new truck! He literally sits with his legs out and his elbow on the armrest! I couldn't live this life without a dog beside me💖

@EricCoop - 25.09.2024 21:45

Dogs definitely know when we're sad. My Meagle will spend the entire day with me on those days when I just can't get out of bed. She really takes care of me. And yes, I suffer from depression and anxiety.

@kaceyanderson1381 - 01.10.2024 05:26

Um do you know what it means when a dog chews on your hair

@alexanderpotts7308 - 16.10.2024 18:42

I had a friend who lived about 45 miles away and her Border Collie seemed to know when I left my house to go and visit her and I very rarely left at the same time. I've now adopted the dog after she died recently

@while_coyote - 18.10.2024 09:13

Somehow my dog always knows if I am eating a sandwich and comes running into the room to eat my sandwich

@kaylagopee4636 - 20.11.2024 05:35

everytime i see these videos abt the amazing things dogs can do i feel like crying because there so much sweeter than most humans

@EPICFACTLABA2Z - 07.01.2025 09:59

Very informative ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
