Rihanna - S&M (Audio)

Rihanna - S&M (Audio)


13 лет назад

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@NosotrosNoInteligente - 16.02.2023 21:08

Early gang

@patrickbogino7343 - 16.02.2023 21:22

yessir, earliest ive been

@dmtdreamz7706 - 16.02.2023 21:23

At the end of the day, this exercise teaches us that, in many cases, looking trippy in public isn’t as bad as we believe. Sure, we might get some looks and giggles, but these don’t hurt, now do they? The Cynic philosopher Diogenes of Sinope used to sleep in a barrel on the streets, walking around in ragged clothes, ‘pleasured’ himself in public, and tripped balls with people who walked past him. He fucked what people thought of him. Therefore, no one was able to hurt him.

@bump9291 - 16.02.2023 21:31

Thank fuck. My family are round!! I'm hiding from them... the trip report godfather 🙌🤪

@jamesstaggs4160 - 16.02.2023 21:48

Alright I expect to be floating eight inches off the ground while in the lotus position with a new eye appearing on my forehead equidistant from both my existing two eyes by the time I'm done watching this video, so these better be profound or I'll...probably just go watch some of your other videos, then watch some videos with munchkin kittens in them, followed by a technical breakdown of the BTL-A4 Y-Wing and finish up with a video on how to fix a choppy idle on a 1993 Miata because mine won't decide if it wants to idle at 2k rpm or 800 rpm and I'll be damned if I take it to a shop that's gonna charge me 500 bucks to clean the throttle body or adjust the idle air screw...umm...yeah I don't have a graceful way to end this stream of consciousness rant so bye...

@raoulkramer3895 - 16.02.2023 23:33

Thank you!

@lucashungerford5986 - 17.02.2023 00:29

Dude that’s crazy that you have all these tripping experiences

@michaelhanford8139 - 17.02.2023 00:32

A prostate massage trip report😂👌

@progod6017 - 17.02.2023 00:39

subtitles would be dope. but nice reports

@vorkat6854 - 17.02.2023 04:16

Oh my goodness a part three. Cheers

@Riceroni14 - 17.02.2023 05:05

ah yes, the Vivec blessing. part 3 lfg

@based5952 - 17.02.2023 06:16

Bring back The guitar intro plz😭

@bryanpartridge6955 - 17.02.2023 08:22

I appreciate these so very much, cheers Vivec

@jorjanmnkersbigepik8809 - 17.02.2023 11:11

i love falling alseep to your videos anyone else???

@innerstrengthcheck - 17.02.2023 16:08

Awesome, loved the first 2 parts. Keen to zone out relaxing to these reports

@shwabkris2738 - 17.02.2023 21:39

Love the videos vivec. They help relax me and I encourage you to keep making videos, whilst also furthering your own psychedelic knowledge. I think I remember you talking about how you were going to make some more videos in the future about your own personal experiences and I'm excited to hear about what you discover.

@louisknows1 - 03.03.2023 17:07

Random comment but I rly like the music in first story.... @Vivec can you help 😅

@floortosat7702 - 09.03.2023 06:11

these videos are such gold man. such good vibes from this channel always:D

@charlesdavis7087 - 13.03.2023 22:56

You and your friend took a Theo-genetic drug. And you had the privilege of receiving a glimpse of God, just a glimpse. Blessings, you are now a initiate. The journey is without end.

@john-ic5pz - 14.03.2023 21:52

So this is what "Videodrome" was based on! 😬

@norcalgaming1259 - 19.03.2023 08:45

Its so easy to fall asleep listening to these reports appreciate the content keep it up!!

@Emiliano-tu6oi - 02.04.2023 18:12

600 micrograms of acid was my first dose ever, shi was crazy

@Maeshalanadae - 09.05.2023 16:35

First story, downing water like that could be really dangerous.

@2fishblue - 31.05.2023 00:32

Earth's largest monster

@trevorgirard4257 - 30.07.2023 01:50

Lmaooo they talking about lean like it's a spiritual thing, he ain't never seen God that's cap af

@boiboi5207 - 13.09.2023 01:49

Please do more of these long videos of crazy multiple stories, so nice to go sleep too

@Grayscotth93 - 29.10.2023 15:52

600ug (from the first report) is a pretty serious dose. I can't imagine taking a dose like that with as little experience as he had. Pretty terrifying, honestly. I was very comfortable with big doses of lsd by the time I intentionally took 600ug and had taken everything between 50ug and 500ug by then. Even still, the really striking thing about 600ug is just how sensitive one's eyes are to light. It's bananas. It's literally painful to be in a well-lit room. What's crazier is that it's very possible to "see" eith your eyes closed. My eyes were so insanely sensitive that i could look around the room with closed eyes and "see" everything perfectly with my eyelids shut. SOOO gnary!!really liked how the dude described the visual effect as like "looking through a chain-link fence" with fractals filling each compartment. That's SO accurate! I've described it as a "honeycomb effect" but this description is much better!

@land0n592 - 05.11.2023 07:55

opening with the Zelda forest temple soundtrack is so real

@f1ake716 - 20.12.2023 20:43

love listening to these while high and playing Minecraft, so soothing

@tenmenben197 - 09.09.2024 02:23

Love all the trip stories. This channel is class! I have been into psychedelics myself for almost 20 years.
You're from my area, too, Vivec.

@danielscottjzx100 - 03.12.2024 08:37

I to have been to robo land, I enjoy the second Plateau, but accidentally blaster myself to a low fourth level Plateau it was intense and lasted so long

@Jack-ri8tn - 18.01.2025 02:07

Dude ur voice and accent is so sexy lol read me anything . A dude like this narrator could talk his way in to my bedroom and then in to my ass . Just saying . God im so bricked 😂

@Jack-ri8tn - 18.01.2025 02:18

U think some of these folks wright in just to say weird shit ? Like mr lady-penis . The removal and the inside out sock story ..¿ ??and then there's the super hot story of the dude putting a vibreator up his ass and then kept busting .😅 is at the end.. i was hopeing he was gonna cum to and hus sexy room mate was giving it to him and it wasn't his vibrator ?😢 but it didnt happen lol
. I mean ya its hot. (I Gay male 1).. but u think they just wanna tell the sexy story ?

@sierralilbit7558 - 22.01.2025 12:08

Watching in 2025 ❤
