I’m pleased with the encouraging and respectful environment you are creating on the discussion boards. That’s where most of the work in the class takes place, outside of watching films and taking quizzes.
And we’re finally watching films. Hooray!
This week is the first of 6 weeks where we focus on genres. Gangsters this week and Dark Comedy next week.
Each week for the next six weeks there are several films to watch with accompanying study guides and quizzes. An important assignment each week is a discussion board post and responses to your gang members.
Please read the discussion instructions and rubric carefully. We are combining things we practiced in other assignments, like applying media literacy concepts. We also introduce vocabulary terms including recurring themes and characters in the various genres. Always include specific details to illustrate your statements and link to any sources you use –you can link to video clips, wiki pages, or quote dialog.
Remember we are here to help if you have any questions!