LAX/Metro Transit Center Station CONRAC Construction Update

LAX/Metro Transit Center Station CONRAC Construction Update

John Kay

1 год назад

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@daviddarcy5355 - 27.03.2023 18:22

People mover opening in 2023 is a stretch. The Tom Bradley Terminal not going to be finished this year . Also the East station not going to be ready either . If Conrac opens this year passengers will be bussed over

@josecarranza7555 - 27.03.2023 18:23

It will open in 2025.

@robcohen5585 - 27.03.2023 19:55

Metro is getting a lot of bad publicity lately. The homeless are using trains for sleeping and "hygienic" purposes making the trains dangerous and otherwise unappealing. If policing doesn't step up and gets it under control all the money for Metro expansion and the people-mover extension will have gone to waste as fewer people will be using the system for its intended purpose.

@faiyez - 27.03.2023 21:38

Thank you for transit content and uploads.

@Curtisgoesplaces - 28.03.2023 03:25

John, did they ever finish the park underneath the 6th street viaduct? What’s the progress like there?

@JEFFK1963 - 28.03.2023 08:10

What are they going to build on that large piece of land between Aviaton Blvd and the CONRAC ?

@theexmann - 28.03.2023 11:41

Thanks for another great update. I read that this station will be the largest in the Metro system other than Union Station. It will serve like the Union Station of the

@DicksonMaimouth - 29.03.2023 18:18

Thank you for this. I always look forward to LAX construction updates.

@CrossMeFool - 09.04.2023 10:29

This place is huge.

@deannawoody9621 - 16.04.2023 04:29

I love your videos

@vernonthiede8439 - 25.05.2023 00:57

The Ghetto Gangbangers will ruin it just as they ruined American Shopping Malls when the Food Courts went Ghetto. America is in Ghetto Decline!
