lol Hollywood is cool
ОтветитьGreat info!
Thank You.
Amazing... LOVE IT!
Ответитьneofetch has been discontinued. Move to fastfetch. Try yazi in place of ranger. I've had ranger hang once too often (hopefully they've fixed that). Try eza in place of ls. Most people are aliasing ls to 'eza -lh --icons --directories-first'.
You can also mention 'bat' in place of 'cat'.
Have a look at zellij, a new terminal multiplexer.
You can also look at some new(ish) terminals such as kitty, ghostty and wezterm.
I think the most insane terminal app will always be FZF, __IMHO__.
ОтветитьWhere is Durdraw? :)
ОтветитьNeofetch should NOT be recommended anymore, as it's an unmaintained packages and many package managers are dropping it, like nixpkgs for example
ОтветитьI always watch these vids to see if I'm missing out on some cool terminal apps. I use most of these regularly. Neofetch is no longer maintained, by the way. The active alternative is 'fastfetch' and even shows a bit more information.
ОтветитьYou missed the best one..broot.....fzf is nice also...but not as good as broot...neofetch is deprecated..use fastfetch....
ОтветитьYou know you Can watch starwars in your terminal too ?
ОтветитьIn GENERAL, can you RESTORE an accidentally deleted file, like you can in Windows?
ОтветитьBesides FALSELY IMPRESSING your friends with the Hollywood command, what are you REALLY DOING here with it?
Ответитьnot my proudest fail to a clickbait, but i must admit - i wouldn't be able to live on without knowing which applications were nominated to be "reality breaking"
Ответитьmc - midnight commander
ОтветитьI found that most of these utilities also work in the macOS command line (install using brew).
Great stuff. Thank for the video!
Great instructions. Wonder if you know which command is best to find out about hdd, sd, nvme read and write speed?
ОтветитьNnn, cmus, tmux, lynx, qutebrowser, bluetoothctl, vim
ОтветитьI gave a thumbsup just for hollywood
ОтветитьWill this work in WSL2?
ОтветитьThanks for the video. I use mc (midnight Commander) if that can be classified as terminal application.
ОтветитьVery good selection. Congrats.
Ответитьty for yr info, superb vid! also, commenters are more than welcome/useful for me, ty all
ОтветитьCool list! will be checking out some of these for sure! Here's a reccomendation of my own: FastFetch - it's just like neofetch, except much faster due to being written in C, as well as more customizable and updated much more frequently!
Ответитьthis is a very informative video, as a linux/Mac user of more than 20 years, I found this very useful
ОтветитьWow, I didn't know about tldr
Ответить--help is command specific, it is not consistent. You would have helped people much more by telling them about manual pages. "man command"
$ man ls
Ответитьyou cannot make a tutorial video and ask to install with one specific command. apt works for a specific distros only and assuming everybody will use ubuntu or similar distro is a huge mistake.
ОтветитьWhat about tmux?
Ответитьoooh, very dangerous commands you got there
ОтветитьWill these apps work in red hat?
Ответитьlsd - is very explicit name for what terminal would look like 😄
ОтветитьYou left out "Steam Locomotive".....
ОтветитьNeofetch is not get updated anymore so maybe it could be a security risk, use fastfetch instead.
ОтветитьNmap if you want to get arrested. Splunk to get sassy
Ответитьhow to install speedtest for fedora 40 i am stuck
Ответитьgreat video man thank's a lot
ОтветитьFastfetch is much better then neofetch. Heard neofetch will lose support soon. just install fastfetch. gives more info too
Ответитьaxel also works natively on Mac
Ответитьranger works natively on ANY Mac via HomeBrew . Mac and Linux commands in the CLI are very similar.
ОтветитьJust type Apt get ... on Arch based distro, and see what happens! Ubuntu is not all of Linux, stop saying "In Linux", when you are really only speaking of Debian based distro's.
Also: Although learning about the terminal and what all one can do with it, is even something Windows users should understand and embrace, as It has one too, and one can do all sorts with it much faster than with any GUI method. A huge deterrent for Windows users to switch to Linux is the false notion that one must do a lot in the terminal, which just isn't true anymore, and hasn't been for like a decade already, and well showing terminal apps for which there are much more easy to understand and use GUI apps (Like file managers...) is kind of a deterrent if your viewer gets the Idea they need to type "Apt get" to install programs, or use terminal apps rather than any of the many they should get way more out of without the high learning curve of using the terminal.
As a PC power user of over 4 decades, the last thing I want to do in a terminal is file management, for many good reasons, one being to do so you better have a good grip on what all and where things are within your file system, remember crap loads of files and folder names and type them right, in my book a good file manager is KDE's Dolphin, especially with the integration of other KDE Apps like Krename, Kfind and others.
Let's face it, the terminal may be something we cannot escape having to use every once in a while, but to represent modern Linux as a terminal centric OS isn't encouraging people to try and hopefully become users and advocates of Linux, but solidifying the false notion that Linux is stuck in a terminal, and therefor the past, when it isn't! I have been a Linux user for nearly two decades (mostly all on Arch), and I know very little about using the terminal, nor have a need to for the most part. If anything when I do need it, I see it as a Linux failure to not have the same control through the GUI by now, and with all the visual aids so many of us cannot do well without!
Great one. Bravo !!!
Please upload something with shell scripting with real - life examples , in order to check your content and enroll to your class ... Thank you :)
good one. tnx for tldr and btop
ОтветитьJust use exa instead of lsd, its better
ОтветитьTldr is really nice.