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@jonesbonesjon6031 - 30.06.2024 19:57

5+4 with more enemies and agressive enemies is so fucking fun. I like some variation of 5+6, but I'm not good enough yet for 5+8.

@starblissed - 30.06.2024 22:19

Saying this as someone who sucks at 5+; it is so stupid to bitch about it existing. Nobody's holding a gun to their heads and making them play, and if your sense of self-worth is that tied up in being the bestest little boy at a hard video game, perhaps seek therapy instead!

Bitching aside, the biggest adjustment so far for me personally is that shit just does not want to die on maxed out difficulty. My old builds that were tuned for 5 are just not keeping up, and I'm not sure what knobs to twist to get them there. My team is routinely completely stripping caves and then leaving the mission without two nitra to rub together. Which is something new, at least.

@henriboteule - 01.07.2024 01:35

the highest difficulty (of any game) should never be an auto win that you're entitled to

@CarbonKnight9 - 01.07.2024 03:30

I've been running aggressive enemies 2 and more enemies 2 because it's really just the same haz 5 that I know and love with the same breakpoints and damage values, just more difficult and pressuring/ makes me think more about what I'm doing which I appreciate, and it has really made a lot of the game feel fresh. I do feel like they did a good job listening and tuning tough enemies, it is very difficult and annoying but not impossible like it used to be, and while I personally don't find it that fun, I'm glad ghost ship listened for that one.
Player vuln is so brutal though, 2x damage taken is a lot, we probably need to get used to it a bit more, but it does give really good players something to still shoot for so that's cool, even if I don't find it that fun, though I wouldn't mind if they nerfed it a bit, or maybe reworked it, though it will take more time to see what the changes would need to be, if any changes.
Good vid

@p_serdiuk - 01.07.2024 04:14

I agree that player vulnerability and bug health are not the best options ever.
DRG thrives on strategy, positioning, and threat prioritization. Punishing mistakes this hard, and making it so it's impossible to kill important bugs quickly, spoils the core gameplay loop to an extent.
Haz 5+ ideally should be extended with more possible options IMO.

@SR-388 - 01.07.2024 06:50

This is a very odd discussion, mainly cause I dont really bother to stay in the loop with community complaints, but from my perspective coming from other games with difficulty modifiers like halo odst and reachs firefight, hell even halo 2 legendary, the community delt with the bullshit and saw it as a challenge, maybe not a fun challenge, but a different way to play the game, and that's what I view these difficulty options, imo I'd want to see more, things like ammo taking 2x as much when firing, or the old black eye skull where the only way to recharge shields is to melee an enemy.

@considerthehumbleworm - 01.07.2024 07:21

Look sometimes there’s “the straight man” that says it as it is and doesn’t coddle people, and sometimes there’s “the asshole” that’s just can’t help themself from passive-agressively insulting everyone

@krypt1ccc739 - 01.07.2024 15:46

You do realise you can just give your opinion on a subject rather than verbally shadow boxing modded people's opinions; We are not all one entity that share the same opinion. You seem to be looking for drama right out of the gate in the intro and at few other points in the video. My general semtiment is that player vulnrability should be switched for wave/swarm frequency because it would make it hard in a more fun way but I dont disagree with all your points, theres just no need to adress them in the childish manner you do. The names of timestamps and the description seem to show that this obnoxious personality is exactly what youre going for now and instead of idk taking a look at yourself, you're leaning into it?? Perhaps its good for engagement (like this comment xD) but I really dont know anymore. You can give insightful perspectives and we could actually have good debates in this community but more and more people dont want to engage with a person like you.

@fungi5591 - 02.07.2024 16:42

why the passive aggressive comments about waste? You sound like a tool at the start of the video.

@Potatoasaurs - 03.07.2024 09:45

They wanted this and now that it happened there upset but what really makes it nuts is that they can turn it off

@glekpups1850 - 03.07.2024 16:15

axis as always gigachad

@idontknowmusictheory532 - 04.07.2024 15:59

While i dont disagree with your points i don’t understand why you have to be so passive-aggressive towards modded players. Everything you said in this video feels like you consider modded players egoistic assholes who just wanna feel good about themselves by beating hard difficulties and look down on the rest of the community. That is really not the case and im open to debate anyone who disagrees.

@theAV8R - 05.07.2024 10:48

I normally like your content, but I'm weirded out by how casually attacks are made toward other players and content creators' (valid) opinions. Okay so many players don't find vulnerability fun. Why can't that be responded to on facts alone without engaging in attacks?. Holy fuck this is toxic.

There are so many other ways you could make your points without shitting on other players who give their opinions on a video game.

@OnCoated - 05.07.2024 19:07

I love the new difficulty. Have been wanting a challenge and got it.

@georgegeorge3619 - 06.07.2024 08:01

he sounds like Charlie (moist)

@jackfish297 - 06.07.2024 19:45

Funny its like its an optional difficulty or something for you to flex how good you are , almost like those nodded servers

@AlteQT - 08.07.2024 03:56

I love haz5 +8. I only play haz 5 and some games can be boring. Haz 5 +8 offer a challenge even to the most seasoned greybeards

@froggergod4939 - 09.07.2024 14:58

My shittiest idea with DRG is a modifier that sends you to a menu with the option to add a second overclock that you have to one or both of your weapons. It would be broken and dumb but I think it could go so hard.

@azerod7436 - 09.07.2024 15:07

I have to say that I’m confused by this video

Who are you talking to ? I like deep rock, I have some 250 hours in it, so not a lot but enough to have an idea of what is happening, and seeing a two hour video which practically doesn’t talk about "hazard 5+" for the first hour is weird

Like I came here hoping to get tips about the difficulty, maybe some insight as to what work, what doesn’t…
And a huge part of the video is dedicated to the extreme subset of a subset of player which I think most people have never interacted with

I know they probably affect you more than me the random viewer, but it’s not because they are very vocal that you should make video specifically addressing their complains…

@exoduspeanut6843 - 10.07.2024 02:33

Yesterday a friend and i decided to give haz5,8 a try. We thought we were so screwed that we decided to get as in game drunk as possible and play. (We won)

@peasant5063 - 10.07.2024 07:52

Crawlers on max aggression is also really funny, had alot of fun trying to dodge them as scout w/ jetboots

@jonathanhoward5284 - 10.07.2024 09:41

As a vanilla player, who struggles with all combat games. I’ve tried and tried haz 5 and I cannot get past it. Maybe if I put in more time than I’m willing to I could, but I like my playtime.
My only wish is that the vanilla modifiers could have also applied to other hazards so I could play with them.

@jonathanhoward5284 - 10.07.2024 09:45

Maybe I missed it, but I feel like no one has put out Contant on what + 8 is.

@agentoranj5858 - 10.07.2024 21:48

700 hour scrub who's never gone into modded difficulties here, gonna waste your time anyway.
I settled on Haz5 because it's right at my personal limit of what I think is challenging but not frustrating. At Haz5 fall damage is already brutal and enemies can take a player down in 2-3 hits (often depending on if his shield recharges between hits), but enemies are right at that perfect point of toughness where swarms dissolve when things are going well but a couple of grunts are genuinely intimidating when things go wrong.
Deep Rock is one of only two shooters I enjoy playing at the highest vanilla difficulty. Other shooters that rely on increasing enemy HP and damage numbers for difficulty like Halo 2, Halo Reach, Fallout 3, Bulletstorm etc. lose their flow past the second-highest setting because making the enemies too tough slows the game down and making the player too fragile forces more cautious gameplay which is boring and also slows the game down.
I avoided Haz6 in DRG because I expected it to be a speedbump to gameplay and to tilt risk:reward too much just like (Hardest) difficulty does in other shooters, while also exacerbating the annoyance of (mostly avoidable but rarely amusing) deaths by fall damage or environmental hazards that already abrade me in Haz5.
Haz5+ being a modular difficulty is really interesting to me and something I can't complain about because I'm exactly the kind of player that will not touch the Player Vulnerability and Enemy Toughness settings with a barge pole, but will get excited about having More Enemies to shoot and having to play faster to avoid more Aggressive Enemies.

@agentoranj5858 - 10.07.2024 22:07

Sick RJ250 jumps BTW.

@M1911pap - 11.07.2024 04:13

players complaining hard mode is...... HARD!?!

@BiomechanicalBrick - 11.07.2024 05:17

"haz10x1.5, 5 nitra resupplies" lol

@BiomechanicalBrick - 11.07.2024 05:26

arch elitist tries to out-elitist the mega elitists: the motion picture

@thaiviper5392 - 12.07.2024 11:10

The only way I know to play with mods on Xbox is to have a person on PC play the Xbox version of the game usually through the xbox app for PC. Then they can invite a friend who is on the Xbox console to their game which is modded.

@Pepitossj4 - 16.07.2024 03:15

The game is enough challenging without mods for the first 100 hours? It looks fun but i heard the vanilla game is too easy

@jellyjohn6969 - 16.07.2024 05:24


@cjs9818 - 16.07.2024 22:36

My real issue with Haz 5+ is that the Hazard Bonus you get is minimal compared to the difficulty and increase in time for the mission.

@Xedice8897 - 20.07.2024 02:52

Most people don't realize "my version of the game is of course the most fun for me" and "everyone should play it my way" are two logically contradictory statements. And some people can't cope with the fact that some people can't cope with something, which is a self proven statement. I don't even see a solution because there is no actual problem at all. Most of my friends don't even play haz 5 and I never even tried to invite them to a higher difficulty. But when I play with them I don't think neither of us enjoy the game any less.

@bullet3417 - 23.07.2024 11:08

He is wrong about moded

@ThePixelPodcast - 25.07.2024 16:02

I quite like to just turn the bug numbers up. Just makes for a slightly tougher haz 5.

@stinkRstuffR - 13.08.2024 08:11

Daddy deepvoice kronos sounds bigly hot fire emoji rn ngl frfr

@Nodnarb518 - 13.08.2024 20:47

i had no idea there this level of sweaty DRG play. Im a casual

@Jakkaribik1 - 16.08.2024 00:08

In Short, DRG made the Player WEAK and ONE SHOOT and mods make the ENEMIES MORE DANGEROUS (BUT they can't really one shoot you as much) so DRG DID IT like you Lost HP or SHIELD

@D3lpDelight - 24.08.2024 20:44

OFM napalm hurricane + neurotoxin VB max (i use ammo + recoil mod)

ecr + vir(only 31211 is usable)

VIM(projectile speed) or sludge blast both max ammo with pp epc with neurotoxin grenade

EFS 23211 with cryo minelets(for extra damage against everything) 13211 or cryo bolts if you want to bring ifg, but cryo grenades are must have on mactera swarms;

and with this team even corestone event on haz5+2222 is just the same for haz3 to 4 players to transition on haz5 just to get used to it

@corvax8644 - 25.08.2024 00:52

This is way too much of a type A issue for my type B ass to care about lmao

Haz5+ just sounds like the DRG version of halo LASO

@agamemnon7518 - 18.09.2024 06:47

I think it's cool they added this. At most i only play extra enemies because i know im just not good enough and don't wanna get tilted regularly in drg. Im not the intended audience for this and thats okay

@yorsch9577 - 01.10.2024 15:53

i play haz 4 most of the time. i want to chill. sometimes 5 if i want a challange. but i didnt played 5+x right now. modifieres are hard enougth for me

@xPumaFangx - 09.10.2024 23:32

I play this game casually. I come back for new skins and then stop. For me, HAS 5 is cool. The difficulty is a way to learn the game, and the harder the game gets. You are doing better in that diff. The better of a player you are. I have not done mods.

I have done games with HAS 5 +1 or something like that. The truth about me is that I forget the tricks I used to use at HAS 5. So, I end up working my way back up to HAS 5.

@RaskaTheFurry - 10.10.2024 22:10

I think there should be a way to make the game harder without making the game frustrating... Like "oh I got by a SINGLE acid spitter, guess im dead, because acid". Thats frustrating.

I would say, that More Enemies is not a frustrating difficulty raise, its actually more fun to maul bigger hordes than smaller ones.
What I would do is:
Instead of player taking more damage, leave Diff 5 damage how it is, but give less resources. DRG is a resource management game. Give people less resources. This will lead players into very ammo efficient builds, because they wouldnt possibly do it otherwise and also, it would mean that they have to go fast...

Instead of enemies doing more damage and being faster.... just leave them being faster. Thats ultimately enough honestly... Ditch the more damage and just make them faster. Or give all of them more armor, which can change builds, valuing more armor piercing builds. There are just so many ways.

@danielherrera4250 - 13.11.2024 17:35

Lmfao I run 5 plus pubs everyday I just work around it when I have good players it’s just a better play but I usually work around the more enemies that’ll spawn with more players and I have a setup that allows for easy revives so I be chillin but fyvk man this shii is hard I win 1 outs 3 games I lose a fuck Ton

@acticlacid - 28.11.2024 17:57

I like playing haz 5+4 pubs (+1 all), I find it strikes a nice balance between being manageable enough that whatever cobbled together lobby can scrape through a win on pretty much any mission type, but stressful enough that it doesn't feel like I'm running on autopilot every time and makes me actually consider how I'm playing the game.
