Study Topics: Conventional vs Acupuncture-like TENS

Study Topics: Conventional vs Acupuncture-like TENS

PT Exam Prep

3 года назад

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@manpreetsandhu4425 - 01.03.2021 13:07

Why conventional type is used for only acute pain ??

@aroop37 - 19.06.2022 14:58

Great succinct video! Would the acupuncture-like TENS settings apply to TVNS(transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation of the ear? Most of the studies for auricular TVNS use a pulse width of 200 microseconds, and a frequency in a range from 15-35 hz the sum of which is greater than 210 that you recommend.

@justinyi8 - 15.08.2024 07:17

Acupuncture-Like Tens.
