[FREE] J.I.D X EarthGang X Kendrick Type Beat-"The ends"

[FREE] J.I.D X EarthGang X Kendrick Type Beat-"The ends"

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@Brazza556 - 01.01.2024 23:35

O mundo depois de nós é apocalíptico
Como um ataque sírio que vem de umas voz

Que definham a minha sanidade
Que me rodeiam com idéias tortas e vaidade
Que me atormentam e o silêncio chega quando o zaza bate
Cê senta no corpo de outra me perco da realidade

Mas é miragem
Mesmo sendo tão linda
Em todo pedaço de carne
Cê tá lá, saudades
Em todas as silhuetas
Você é o destaque
Em todos beijos gelados, cê tá lá
Me mate

Se for assim

@oliebol1019 - 03.01.2024 03:27

Holy shit this is the best beat ever 🔥

@BreaziBoy - 05.01.2024 05:16

Would really like to collaborate with another great creator here. This is beautiful and evokes me to speak my mind on some personal conflictions I haven't got the hang of, whether it be me or the world around me.

@JehovahTrue-Christ-rl2ch - 06.01.2024 03:31

777 is perfection of the trinity. (GOD)

@StevenTheSinner - 07.01.2024 02:19

It starts like this
And ends like that
Maybe in between murders
We can have a chat

Too turnt up
To feel anyones emotions
Buttered in real time
Steps keep tripping
As the smoke get thicker
Just going through the motions
As the stars fill the oceans
And I swim in the potion
She used to call love
Now I’m always in a glove
When I release the doves

@WillMadeDat405 - 08.01.2024 06:04

God is all knowing demons in my Head I'm Headed to the dark abyss See God, but what light is controlling? Still i see
My world turning, Forever Burning engulfed in flames demons talking to me Deranged soul but God still reaching fa me will I see my destiny I think I'm cursed But I was sent for a prophecy blacks in poverty helpless nobody wanted me to help myself let alone help my own.

@xinesng - 09.01.2024 13:43

«Dégage sale noire !»

Et le réveil d'une âme ensorcelée
Ne supportant pas que son corps soit de nouveau violé
Ses yeux rouges soulignent ses traits pâles
Les pleurs se mêlent au rires
Quoi mieux reste-t-il que de vivre sinon le trépas

La douleur de son être prend de l'espace sur sa peau
C'est une couleur violette qui prend le pas le long de son dos
Elle écrit ses blues en prose et ses malheurs en vers
Avant que la dame en blouse lui ramène une potion magique dans un verre

Elle aimerait n'avoir que des coups de foudre
Qui font tomber ses coutures
L'avenir lui réserve que des coups de putes
Qui se soigne aux coups de fils
Que quelqu'un la rassure
Tout ira plus vite au dernier jugement
Elle a payer le coût du coupe file

Malheurs à ceux dont les rues arrachent le cri
Dont on entend les plaintes que ces connards ne savent pas écrire
Les pleurs des lacrymos d'une jeunesse qui s'essouffle
Avec le bénéfice du doute qu'il puisse un jour s'en sortir

Les blancs en noirs qui détruisent des abris
Les noirs en blanc qui nettoient le cul des nazis
Des vieux porcs qui ont peur des seuls qui n'en mangent pas

Les étrangers font pas de tapage nocturne à l'usine
Pendant que la voisine d'en face fait passer la grossesse au Philip Morris
L'autre frappe sa femme et menace de se jeter par la fenêtre
Le sang séché sous la mienne de Mamadou Barry
Pendant qu'on hue mes camarades en bas des tours
On découvre que le plus gros trafic de drogue est caché la mairie

Où les hommes font la méthode du retrait seulement après une naissance
Faire l'enfant d'un homme qui va tuer son fils
Être l'enfant d'un homme qui va tuer sa mère

@TheVillageRecordings - 11.01.2024 21:14

This beat is beautiful. it got a whole song idea started for me

@laynelv - 13.01.2024 23:54

This is lovely

@and20bobmusic - 16.01.2024 18:22

This is awesome but too repetitive

@Original_F.B. - 24.01.2024 01:49

eu vejo anjos e demonios
nao sei mais se é sonho ou nao
sempre que eu paro e componho
eu nem sinto mais o chao

é como se eu levitasse
te mostrasse a solução
pro caos dessa cidade
que fede a destruição

que pede demolição
demonios querem paixao
anjos querem um propósito
além de adoração

minha mente em ebulição
sinto tanta confusão
humanos só querem
sorriso e aprovação

eu to marolado
com cheiro de erva
olho vermelho
ta sem colirio

eu tenho tudo
sobre meu domínio
sou tão louco as vezes
esse é meu delirio

com a mente mutante
igual xmen
olho de ciclope
fumando blun

fazendo chover
tipo money rain
atrás dessa grana
igual money run

esconde essa grana
dos federais
me dá minha cartela
de fenergan

eu to delirando com a
cardi b
vendo o tempo passar
no meu cardigan

eu só peço um minuto de paz
acordei na guerra do vietna
kkkk olha do que eu sou capaz
acho q ce virou fã

fumo medicinal
de amsterdã
ela pede sapato
da laboutan

eu só peço um minuto
sozinho no quarto
pra apaziguar minha mente vilã

linhas pegando fogo
igual charizard
pra me copiar
nem com sharingan

q eu me sinto completo
igual megazord
me sinto mais forte
do que amanhã

esse mundo todo
é de croma key
eu nao acredito
no que vem das telas

só nas estranhas
que eu vi aqui
longe dos holotes
das artes belas

ali na rua
de baixo de casa
perto do poste
e das latas de lixo

eu vi se formar
uma obra de arte
elaborada com
latas de pixo

escondida por tras
da sujeira do tempo
enferrujada por tras
da cortina

de fumaça
desse movimento
por essa neblina

eu te vejo
e sua aparição
me causa dopamina

sempre que bate
na minha retina
capaz de mudar
toda minha rotina

fixada no meu cerebelo

tipo um desejo reprimido
no fundo nem quero tê-lo

nesse momento na minha memória
se pa que bate o martelo
no tribunal sem lei
que eu descarrego desapego

e apego meu próprio ser na minha arte
dividindo o meu ser em tantas partes
agora eu vejo anjos e demônios
acho que eles vieram ter um debate

eles vieram provar pontos
trouxeram bons argumentos
me falaram que eu preciso
dar mais valor ao tempo

parar de me importar
com tanta merda
e parar de reprimir
todos esses sentimentos

que eu guardei aqui dentro
do peito por tanto tempo
que agora nem sei mais
como que eu faço pra tirar

me acostumei tanto
pensamento turbulento
que agora o silencio
nao me deixa respirar

sinto suor no meu rosto
sangue pulsa nas artérias
eu me sinto como aquela
obra de arte velha

nessa analogia
a minha mente aprende
um resultado que
claramente me surpreende

me sinto como
aquela pintura velha
que ainda faz sentido
quando alguem entende

me sinto assim
quando eu escrevo e alguem lê
percebe a entrelinhas
do que eu queria dizer

no fundo a nota vê minha alma
e tudo que eu botei track
pra poder fazer

é por isso que eu faço isso
isso ninguem vê
longe de toda uma geração
de control v

essa track aqui falou comigo
escuta ela aí e vê se fala com você

@gianma8872 - 25.01.2024 23:14

Good sound boy😮

@arcelmelo5566 - 25.01.2024 23:47

Love this beat

@capitaleyes3168 - 27.01.2024 01:23

Why they was chasing exes /
I was moving packs back from
Did it so often I never missed
an exit/
Got out the game never even got arrested/
Save up some money lost the rest in investments/
Most never knew wasn’t the type for flexing/

Ok maybe just a wee bit/
But if you ever saw anything boy you never seen shit/
I got the type of flow to make a hoe sea sick/
If you didn’t do what you said you don’t ever mean shit/
And if it comes to my family I’ll make a person bleed quick/
But I pray it never come to that/
To many times I’ve had to run it back/
Rather spend my time using my mind to get that 100 racks/

@MecYona - 05.02.2024 07:01

Oh my god. Who are you?! This is just so... 😀

@metas26 - 07.02.2024 00:00

sonu gelmiş gibi benle soyumun
haritada dışı konumum bazen
akıyorum içinde şehrimin sanki önümde kocaman bi semazensiniz hepiniz
göremiyosunuz önünüzü sonra suçlu biz
kafanızı doldurmuş bir kaç piç
kapıldınız tabi düşünmeden sonunu akıcak kan durmasın kanda diyip

pişmansın tabi moruk iyi bilirim gençlik hatası fazla oldu bizim neslin
ex ex diye kendinizi yediniz ex beyninizi tabi ondan deli exsin
çok kompleksli neslim değil hiç gerçekçi
taht yok ama sanki kral hepsi
aç çok bol story suç çok masum sizinki aşk yok kerhane sanki dünya
dedim tanrım beni bunla sınama yalvarırım sağımda solumda
var annemin sanrıları kaçıyorum bazen dünya sonu yakın olan bi sahne gibi

@CharlesThomas-b3e - 07.02.2024 17:50

Numbers on my mind
Because number never lie
Open up your eyes
Other wise your blind
The path his hidden
But seek and you will find
The truth that was given
To you by grand design
And as you live your life
Make sure to do it right
Because you can not rewind
You better walk line
It’s best to keep it tight
Live for the day
Stay away from night
The righteous path will always bring you to the light
Always asking why and never knowing what is
When you see that hand out
You’re always quick to take
But so slow to give.

@mooreparks4 - 10.02.2024 04:16

I'll never sound like the rest
Cause ik I'm the best
These nighas all joining gangs
Just to get respect
Ofc these nighas all lames
And can't accept The facts
But if I was in a gang
Just know im leading packs
They never gettin even bak
So tellem where lil Steven at

@ChrissMenace - 11.02.2024 07:41

I love this 🔥🔥🔥

@nicosmith5590 - 12.02.2024 04:51

We no longer need chains to be slaves ...stick to your cell 📱...
Thats a digital nuse , devision induced ,our sickness

@MTMCWorthi - 15.02.2024 03:04

My liege
Pardon me
I’m constantly

At loss to speak
The monster

From the darkest leaves
Charged and leaped
Never will I pause the beat
I sank, no swimming

Cause my feelings
Like Titanic pieces

@mariocarde1056 - 16.02.2024 00:45

J'ai complètement phasé sur linstru, et j'ai écris je crois l'un de mes morceaux les plus triste haha mais merci de fou c'est un bonheur pour moi de ré-écrire de nouveau ! ;)

@marianojnk3902 - 16.02.2024 09:35

hermoso beat bro

@anhuc3976 - 16.02.2024 23:40

conscious, tears, regret, reborn ... !

@jagmystery - 17.02.2024 20:07

what does it say in the end please?

@elimarriz3332 - 19.02.2024 15:48

Damn dude, great beat. Very creative and unique 👌

@magic-e-force4051 - 22.02.2024 14:02

I am wasting no more time
Cuz I could wait my whole life waiting like a low life
Or I could just take my faith in my hands and make my life a whole lot
Cuz I can do whole lot
But I don't do a whole
Or at least not anymore
I used to got to the store
Or play guitar for an hour and then some more
But lately I've been feeling low
And I don't even know who I am anymore
Am I really something or just nothing thinking that I'm something

And I tried so hard an I got so far
Thinking about ending it Al because I can't be with you while remembering your laugh

Cuz every time I look around I feel all this pain inside me lately
I've been running from my problems but they were always faster then me
Maybe I'm too slow for life or maybe life is playing with me
But I don't wanna find out so I just be laying in my bed all day

But it's a beautiful day

@builttoevolve - 23.02.2024 03:46


@Youtube.Automation - 27.02.2024 10:55

(Verse 1)
Yo, from the heart of India to the 6ix's concrete jungle,
Hustlin' from the ground up, no stumble, no fumble.
Started as a student with dreams beyond measure,
Now we're counting stacks, living life, feeling pleasure.

From the dusty streets back home to these icy city lights,
Grinding every day and night, reaching new heights.
Went from small-town struggles to penthouse suites,
Now we're living lavish, sipping champagne, feeling elite.

Toronto's where we thrive, from the bottom to the throne,
Stacking up the cash, making moves on our own.
From humble beginnings to shining so bright,
King Von in Toronto, living that high life.

(Verse 2)
From textbooks and lectures to CEO lectures,
From Indian spices to bottles of nectars.
Multiple hoes blowing up my phone,
But I'm focused on success, on building my own throne.

Dodging obstacles like a boss, ain't no time for the haters,
Focused on my grind, stacking paper, making greater.
From street vendors to fine dining, we living large,
King Von in Toronto, yeah, we're in charge.

Toronto's where we thrive, from the bottom to the throne,
Stacking up the cash, making moves on our own.
From humble beginnings to shining so bright,
King Von in Toronto, living that high life.

We came from nothing but destined for greatness,
From the backstreets of India to these Canadian spaces.
Every obstacle faced, we conquered and embraced,
King Von in Toronto, forever in our grace.

So raise a glass to the journey, to the hustle, to the grind,
From small-town beginnings to a life so divine.
King Von in Toronto, living like kings,
In this city of dreams, where ambition sings.

@Youtube.Automation - 27.02.2024 10:56

(Verse 1)
Yo, from the heart of India to the 6ix's concrete jungle,
Hustlin' from the ground up, no stumble, no fumble.
Started as a student with dreams beyond measure,
Now we're counting stacks, living life, feeling pleasure.

From the dusty streets back home to these icy city lights,
Grinding every day and night, reaching new heights.
Went from small-town struggles to penthouse suites,
Now we're living lavish, sipping champagne, feeling elite.

Toronto's where we thrive, from the bottom to the throne,
Stacking up the cash, making moves on our own.
From humble beginnings to shining so bright,
King Von in Toronto, living that high life.

(Verse 2)
From textbooks and lectures to CEO lectures,
From Indian spices to bottles of nectars.
Multiple hoes blowing up my phone,
But I'm focused on success, on building my own throne.

Dodging obstacles like a boss, ain't no time for the haters,
Focused on my grind, stacking paper, making greater.
From street vendors to fine dining, we living large,
King Von in Toronto, yeah, we're in charge.

Toronto's where we thrive, from the bottom to the throne,
Stacking up the cash, making moves on our own.
From humble beginnings to shining so bright,
King Von in Toronto, living that high life.

We came from nothing but destined for greatness,
From the backstreets of India to these Canadian spaces.
Every obstacle faced, we conquered and embraced,
King Von in Toronto, forever in our grace.

So raise a glass to the journey, to the hustle, to the grind,
From small-town beginnings to a life so divine.
King Von in Toronto, living like kings,
In this city of dreams, where ambition sings.

@TSage_Arts - 28.02.2024 00:36

Singing : 🐶I got my third eye! Blessed person who made this beat

@SonnySaxton - 28.02.2024 00:40

Beautiful work

@Carlotesss - 28.02.2024 04:44


@filipzareba996 - 01.03.2024 21:13

nie ma kurwa lekko nastaje kolejny ranek nakładam kuboty pale kiepa czarną kawe nie ma w szafie kawy mama nie wróciła z nocki stary na kanapie najebany ten to pośpi. Boże proszę może weź mi teraz czas spowolnij spóźnię się do groszka na rozmowę nie mam koszul a wiec to pierdole pójdę tam w koszulce firmy albonwj-u

szare bloki nade mną i szeroka w bani panorama którą każdy z szarych tych bloków mi tu zasłania. Czasem taka sytuacja jest ze nie ma wcale wyjścia, ulica cię ochrzciła i ulica chce cię wysrac, pracowałem w piekarni, na budowie różnych cyrkach, i tak mi większy zyski daje kolejna linijka, która to klade tak jak Chińczyk tu za rogiem pape,
Dziekuje ale do domu mi sie już nie chce wracać wcale

Brat na warunkowym, siostra zwiała już do Anglii, mama pielęgniarka, tata ochroniarzem mafii był, a teraz machulskiego na tiviku leci film a na dywan najebany stary upada masz superhit, i tak od już paru lat na mp3 leci bit, wtedy nagle znikam i na skrzydłach odlatuje my, widzimy to wszystko ale nie możemy zrobić nic 2001 młody buła młody beduin

@DisplacedAfrican1 - 02.03.2024 21:20

God costarring Jesus, the flow medicated intravenous, lust had me enslaved to my penis, lost sight of my Genius, my Art turned into my thesis, no different from the man over the pulprit preaching, used words to start teaching, goals just out of my reach, ascended to the illest peak, Lord these sentences just too deep, instead of focusing on one thing, biggest picture I had to peep, my victories came in 3peat sweeps, iller than #23 when my body left my feet©️ Imperious

@marcobosshard3543 - 11.03.2024 13:38

S lebe
schmeisst mer stei entgege
Und ich schmeisse sie zrug
Kämpfer shit
Sie denked sie, chennd mich downe
Aber niemert bändigt mich
S git keis ufgeh
Solang ich no lebändig bi
fang kein kampf mit mir ah
wennd en ned beende willsch
tupac seid: yall cant kill me
und wie denksch wis bi mir isch?
yall cant kill me

alls am arsch
für mich isch liide
mittlerwiile ganz normal
bin nur am pushe
bin usser puste
schnuufe schnuufe
ich muss dure
schnuufe schnuufe
ich muss wiiter
ned chli bi geh
wiiter biise,
de weg zum ziil er
er isch no wiit weg
also biise
und den wiiter

also lebe
schmeiss mer stei entgege
ich schmeiss sie zrug
also lebe
schmeiss mer stei entgege
ich schmeiss sie zrug

sisch vo
du bruchsch mich
und ich bin da für dich
du bruchsch mich nümmä
und ich,
epper wo sich um mich kümmret
sisch vo
ich lieb dich
und du liebsch mich
du bisch no ned so wiit
und beendisch eusi ziit
s trifft mich hert
ich fühl en scho zu lang de schmerz
zwar de chummer hinder mir lah
aber müsst lüge wenni seg,
dass das mitde liebi mir nüm nah gaht,
ah fuck
wennich ständig so viel guets gib
wiso muss alles. wasi fühl so schlecht si
alte s schicksal cha ned grecht si
dur dick und dünn für dich bi
zu dir gstande bi, wemmer dich us dim dihei verbanne will
will mis
herz jedesmal broche isch, wenn ich dich hüüle gseh
und ich immerno alles gebt, zum dich flüge gseh
obwohls du mir oft schwierig machsch,
ich dir immer wieder e chance geh han
und willich
all di scheiss verarbeitet han,
demit mit eus klappe chann/
aber fortuna git en figg uf mini bemüehige
und kappt de plan
ach verdammt,
ka isch es rad
und ich bin am arsch
fühl mich ned wükich gliebt
hett soviel verdient,
aber alls wasi immer geh han - das fehlt mir
shit s schicksal chann ned wüki fair si
willbi dir laufts, und du chasch ohni mich
und mir machts müeh ohni si
ich fühl mich elei
alte lebe, was sell de scheiss?

schmeiss mer stei entgege
ich schmeiss sie zrug
also lebe
schmeiss mer stei entgege
ich schmeiss sie zrug

@JUZYHA - 11.03.2024 23:31

@cdub12345theman - 14.03.2024 13:42

I want this beat

@Stola2x - 16.03.2024 20:42

I got da world on my back na I can’t change homie walking down a dark path I’m the same homie I’m tired of people switching,leaving acting strange on me

@Lakbay_Gubat - 19.03.2024 15:58

What is your Email?

@alejandrogutierreztorres3824 - 22.03.2024 16:59

Ufffff 😊

@erickbarragan1950 - 23.03.2024 06:39

Se te hara raro que me hacerque a ti
De no otra forma no queires verme
Quiero disculparme si

No hera tan maduro
Ni tu ni yo ni el mundo
Nos toco aprender mas
Cada quien por su rumbo y al dejarnos ir

Pero ahi estabas presente
Latente y duradera
Como yo pegado a tus caderas
Como cada noche antes de regresar a dormir

esta vida no es justa
Que te gusta
Para que vuelvas a estar juntita a mi

Me sentia un Dios
Y me cai
Me cae que eres mi mejor momento
En el peor momento que tuve
para hacerte feliz

Mi mas grandeee
Mi intima compañera

Dime cuál te gusta
Ahora si te bajo cualquier estrella
De pasear a la luna
Dime, si es que hay alguna cosa que todavía queiras

Tu eras
Claro que tu eras
Claro que tú eras

Quitame esta tortura
Que no pude ni alejandome de ti

Te evite
Hasta mencionarte
Claro que te deje muy aparte
Pero siempre vuelvo a reincidir

@davibrito2344 - 25.03.2024 07:01

Bateu certo, barril dobrado

@wolfjenkins3006 - 25.03.2024 17:09


@pablosanchezortiz9108 - 02.04.2024 02:17

A quien le rezo
Si cuando más crezco
Más rápido me muero
No me muevo
Nada nuevo
Pienso en veneno
Estar en estas me niego
Q más crezca tu ego
Desde luego me comes
Los huevos
Hasta pronto me cambié el relevo
Hoy muero pero mañana renazco de nuevo
Pq? Porque puedo
La vida como un videojuego
Juego cuando tengo tiempo libre
Incluso hago lo imposible
Para no estar apuntándome
Con un calibre
Si tienes preguntas dime
Yo tengo una
Pq no me dices
Eso sí q es imposible
No me pillas mal pero tampoco muy bien
Tu nunca sabras
Lo q soy en total
Igual me alegro
Q nunca conocerás a este enfermo
Espero que te mueras de las ganas como las q a mí me faltan
Quiero ver el mundo quiero ser el atlas
Quiero descubrir el sitio pa decir me encanta
Canta cántame esta rola
Si lo haces de coña igual me mola q pocas son las horas para escribir estas prosas

@EzTommy - 25.04.2024 13:21

chẳng nói trước em cất bước lời hẹn ước như vết xước cước trên da anhLàm sao xóa từng vết sẫmĐôi mắt đẫm giọt sầu lấm thấm trên mi anhNgười khăn gói tựa mây khói chợt đau nhói nơi trái tim mong manh hòa theo tiếng gót giày mưa rơi lộp độp trên phố còn ai nơi chốn này bức tranh ta chia làm đôi
vào ngày mưa cứ rơi nỗi đau
trong anh giờ chẳng thể vơi
nhìn từng hạt mưa cứ rơi
chẳng muốn đi tìm một câu trả lời
Lại thêm 1 verse cho e coi như a cảm ơn
Liệu có cách nào để cho cơn đau này sẽ nhẹ nhàng hơn
Vẫn chỉ là 1 cậu bé si tình ngân nga dưới ánh hoàng hôn
Có thể nốc 1 liều để quên đi nhưng sao mà anh chẳng muốn

@chadduval4136 - 14.05.2024 22:20

Dude I legit flowed an entire song with all the fixings lmao

@ProsperousThoughts - 31.05.2024 17:44

Can I send you what I made to this

@kn3532 - 13.10.2024 15:17

La mejorninstrumental del mundo
