What If All Of My Infantry Carried ATGMS?

What If All Of My Infantry Carried ATGMS?


4 месяца назад

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@Rerosempire - 21.07.2024 17:25


Our debt has been setteled, Rizzmann!

@ProvidenceXIV - 21.07.2024 18:03

remember when Gorno 90s came in BTRs

@MffnMn - 21.07.2024 19:13

Love your content Razz

@GÜNDYYR - 21.07.2024 21:38

Day 5 trying to rizz rizzman with my profile picture

@venpirethevampire - 21.07.2024 22:29

Leichte Schützen spam always carries me in Eastern Bloc decks. I love em. Supported by MurderSchützen '90 and a Strop II... Beautiful.

@real_bloodytearz - 21.07.2024 22:51

Just play this kind of with Norad Moto only Eryx and Light rifle and in recon tab cav scouts

@Rerosempire - 21.07.2024 23:33

Okay so metys inf alone is obviously not great. But I do think they are severely underrated. For Faktoriya role, but now with anti-inf capabilities and 10 hp, though less range. You held really well against the starting fire support partially because of metys squads, though against superheavies there they are of course not great.

@onyxdepth1742 - 21.07.2024 23:43

you did the mute check and didnt unmute after ?

EDIT: i need to have more patience, sorry

@ultrasuperkiller - 21.07.2024 23:52

Here’s a challange that Razzmann will never be able to complete, play a normal round of wargame!
no ”only atgms” no ”only infantry units that start with the letter P” etc

A normal game with a normal deck of your choice, can be entente mech or maybe the Razzman favorite of entente mech or spice it up with entente mech, who knows

@ON-O - 22.07.2024 00:35

Dislike for start arty, most dishonorable play you can do

@dondelchulia3189 - 22.07.2024 09:08

Razzman. I love you. I know I haven’t watched a video in probably 2 years, but I got perma banned on all my 7 accounts and hate those French devs

@chriscox3460 - 24.07.2024 23:38

@21mins Me: Well that's GG I guess..- wait there another 13mins run.time on this vid, is there an epic comeback.. no.
