Special Books By Special Kids

An Autistic College Student (Diagnosed at Age 20) Special Books by Special Kids 36,604 22 часа назад
Born Without a Pivotal Part of the Brain (Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum) Special Books by Special Kids 73,153 7 дней назад
The Future of this Channel Special Books by Special Kids 233,661 10 дней назад
The Oldest Living Person with this Rare Genetic Condition Special Books by Special Kids 65,152 2 недели назад
A Child Who Hasn’t Spoken in 5 Years (A Mysterious Case Doctors Can’t Solve) Special Books by Special Kids 202,203 3 недели назад
A Kid Mauled by 5 Pit Bulls who Nearly Died Special Books by Special Kids 501,450 4 недели назад
Living with Misophonia (Common Sounds Cause Her Extreme Pain) Special Books by Special Kids 103,980 1 месяц назад
35 Inches Tall, 32 Years old, and 1 GIGANTIC Personality Special Books by Special Kids 219,971 1 месяц назад
An Autistic Man and his Fiancé with ADHD Special Books by Special Kids 144,869 1 месяц назад
Living with One of a Kind Genetics (A Rare Form of Trisomy 18) Special Books by Special Kids 96,073 1 месяц назад
The Story of 2 Unique Brothers (2 of Only 150 Known Cases) Special Books by Special Kids 963,748 1 год назад
Social Sara's Nonspeaking Life (Friendship Without Words) Special Books by Special Kids 174,000 2 года назад
The Future of this Channel Special Books by Special Kids 233,661 10 дней назад
Special Books by Special Kids | Chris Ulmer | Talks at Google Talks at Google 1,041,863 7 лет назад
A Child Who Hasn’t Spoken in 5 Years (A Mysterious Case Doctors Can’t Solve) Special Books by Special Kids 202,203 3 недели назад
A Kid Mauled by 5 Pit Bulls who Nearly Died Special Books by Special Kids 501,450 4 недели назад
A Woman Turning to Stone and Bedridden (But Still Happy) Special Books by Special Kids 403,517 1 месяц назад
The Oldest Living Person with this Rare Genetic Condition Special Books by Special Kids 65,152 2 недели назад
Living with Psychosis and Constant Hallucinations Special Books by Special Kids 218,624 2 месяца назад
35 Inches Tall, 32 Years old, and 1 GIGANTIC Personality Special Books by Special Kids 219,971 1 месяц назад
Lauren's Light (Nager Syndrome) Special Books by Special Kids 3,880,979 7 лет назад