Dogcat Diary

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The hen suspects the kitten has stolen the chicks!The cat returned the chick to the hen.Funny cute 土豆の日記Cat's diary 15,027,119 11 месяцев назад
So funny cute!The rooster and the duck compete to sleep with the cat!Real and wonderful cartoons 土豆の日記Cat's diary 1,805,594 9 месяцев назад
Dear Kitten BuzzFeedVideo 32,932,495 10 лет назад
Laugh until my stomach hurts.The Cat and the Duck.(Click to watch the full version) #cute #funny 土豆の日記Cat's diary 20,258,527 9 месяцев назад
Nastya takes care of her puppy and kittens Like Nastya 18,485,930 1 год назад
The puppy stole the duckling!The mother duck's reaction embarrassed the puppy.Funny cute animals 土豆の日記Cat's diary 1,805,787 5 месяцев назад
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The cat carried the little duck into the swimming pool!funny cute!Cats also want to learn to swim 土豆の日記Cat's diary 1,116,926 10 месяцев назад